Journal of Contaminant Hydrology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A PCE groundwater plume discharging to a river: influence of the streambed and near-river zone on contaminant distributions2004/09/01English151
X-ray absorption and photoelectron spectroscopy investigation of selenite reduction by FeII-bearing minerals2008/12/01English142
A review of model applications for structured soils: b) Pesticide transport2009/02/01English139
Measurement and prediction of saturation-pressure relationships in three-phase porous media systems1987/06/01English138
Porosity investigation of compacted bentonite using XRD profile modeling2012/02/01English137
Numerical simulations of pyrite oxidation and acid mine drainage in unsaturated waste rock piles2005/08/01English136
Leaching and transport of PFAS from aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) in the unsaturated soil at a firefighting training facility under cold climatic conditions2019/04/01English136
Identifying sources of groundwater nitrate contamination in a large alluvial groundwater basin with highly diversified intensive agricultural production2013/08/01English133
Enhanced stability and dechlorination activity of pre-synthesis stabilized nanoscale FePd particles2010/11/01English133
Review of unsaturated-zone transport and attenuation of volatile organic compound (VOC) plumes leached from shallow source zones2011/04/01English132
X-ray microtomography characterization of porosity, permeability and reactive surface changes during dissolution2011/03/01English131
Experimental observations of multiphase flow in heterogeneous porous media1989/12/01English130
Flow interruption: A method for investigating sorption nonequilibrium1989/08/01English126
Sorption and transport of iodine species in sediments from the Savannah River and Hanford Sites2005/07/01English126
Reduction of hexavalent chromium by carboxymethyl cellulose-stabilized zero-valent iron nanoparticles2010/05/01English123
Redox zones of a landfill leachate pollution plume (Vejen, Denmark)1992/09/01English122
Assessing the impacts of partial mass depletion in DNAPL source zones2005/08/01English122
Hydrogeochemical comparison and effects of overlapping redox zones on groundwater arsenic near the Western (Bhagirathi sub-basin, India) and Eastern (Meghna sub-basin, Bangladesh) margins of the Bengal Basin2008/07/01English121
Interpreting organic solute transport data from a field experiment using physical nonequilibrium models1986/02/01English121
Uranium removal from groundwater via in situ biostimulation: Field-scale modeling of transport and biological processes2007/08/01English120
Bacteria transport and deposition under unsaturated conditions: The role of the matrix grain size and the bacteria surface protein2007/07/01English119
Use of a variable-index fractional-derivative model to capture transient dispersion in heterogeneous media2014/02/01English118
Fertilizer-N use efficiency and nitrate pollution of groundwater in developing countries1995/12/01English117
Colloid release and clogging in porous media: Effects of solution ionic strength and flow velocity2015/10/01English117
Removing volatile contaminants from the unsaturated zone by inducing advective air-phase transport1989/02/01English116
A pore-scale investigation of a multiphase porous media system2005/03/01English115
Effects of physical and geochemical heterogeneities on mineral transformation and biomass accumulation during biostimulation experiments at Rifle, Colorado2010/03/01English114
Microbial degradation of methyl tert-butyl ether and tert-butyl alcohol in the subsurface2004/06/01English113
Mobility of pharmaceuticals carbamazepine, diclofenac, ibuprofen, and propyphenazone in miscible-displacement experiments2006/02/01English113
Persistence of uranium groundwater plumes: Contrasting mechanisms at two DOE sites in the groundwater–river interaction zone2013/04/01English113