Journal of Contaminant Hydrology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The use of kinetic modelling as a tool in the assessment of contaminant release during rehabilitation of a uranium mine1997/04/01English
NAPL dissolution in heterogeneous systems: an experimental investigation in a simple heterogeneous system2000/07/01English
The hydrogeology of a tailings impoundment formed by central discharge of thickened tailings: implications for tailings management1999/06/01English
Effect of surface coatings, grain size, and ionic strength on the maximum attainable coverage of bacteria on sand surfaces2001/08/01English
Contents Volume 50, 20012001/08/01English
Leaching patterns of heavy metals and nitrogen evaluated with a modified tanks-in-series model2000/04/01English
Solute transport through preferential pathways in municipal solid waste2000/11/01English
Surfactant enhanced recovery of tetrachloroethylene from a porous medium containing low permeability lenses2001/04/01English
Laboratory-scale analysis of aquifer remediation by in-well vapor stripping 2. Modeling results1997/12/01English
Experimental and modeling studies on sorption and diffusion of radium in bentonite2001/02/01English
A biogeochemical assessment of the Tono site, Japan1998/12/01English
Field tracer experiment in a low permeability fractured medium: results from El Berrocal site1997/04/01English
Laboratory-scale analysis of aquifer remediation by in-well vapor stripping 1. Laboratory results1997/12/01English
Modeling in situ ozonation for the remediation of nonvolatile PAH-contaminated unsaturated soils2002/04/01English
Simulating transport and removal of xylene during remediation of a sandy aquifer1995/09/01English
Removal of microorganisms by deep well injection2000/08/01English
Modelling tritium and phosphorus transport by preferential flow in structured soil1999/01/01English
Unravelling groundwater contamination and health-related implications in semi-arid and cold regions of India2024/02/01English
Degradation of trichloroethylene vapors by micrometric zero-valent Fe Cu and Fe Ni bimetals under partially saturated conditions2023/07/01English
Editorial Board2023/01/01English
Effects of tire wear particles on the water retention of soils with different textures in the full moisture range2024/05/01English
Evaluate the groundwater quality and human health risks for sustainable drinking and irrigation purposes in mountainous region of Chongqing, Southwest China2024/05/01English
Modeling subsurface contaminant transport from a former open-pit uranium mine in fractured granites (La Ribière, France): Reducing uncertainties with geophysics2024/04/01English
Radon deficit technique applied to the study of the ageing of a spilled LNAPL in a shallow aquifer2024/04/01English
Microplastic prevalence and human exposure in the bottled drinking water in the west Godavari region of Andhra Pradesh, India2024/05/01English
Efficient remediation of mercury-contaminated groundwater using MoS2 nanosheets in an in situ reactive zone2024/05/01English
On the reliable estimation of sequential Monod kinetic parameters2024/03/01English
Practical application for legacy acid mine drainage (AMD) prevention and treatment technologies in karst-dominated regions: A case study2023/09/01English
Significance of temperature as a key driver in ZVI PRB applications for PCE degradation2023/09/01English