Journal of Contaminant Hydrology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The effect of microscale pore structure on matrix diffusion—a site-specific study on tonalite1997/04/01English
Solute transport properties of compacted Ca-bentonite used in FEBEX project2001/02/01English
Miscible fluid displacement stability in unconfined porous media:1998/06/01English
Transport of reactive colloids and contaminants in groundwater: effect of nonlinear kinetic interactions1998/08/01English
Data fusion modeling for groundwater systems2000/03/01English
Contamination in Ontario farmstead domestic wells and its association with agriculture:1998/08/01English
A comparison of fracture mixing models, 2. Analysis of simulation trials1995/03/01English
Microbial growth and transport in porous media under denitrification conditions: experiments and simulations1997/01/01English
The transport and behaviour of isoproturon in unsaturated chalk cores2000/04/01English
Sources and seasonal variations of nitrate in the coastal multiple-aquifer groundwater of Beihai, southern China2024/03/01English
Book review1998/08/01English
Discussion of “A density-dependent flow and transport analysis of the effects of groundwater development in a freshwater lens of limited areal extent: The Geneva area (Florida, U.S.A.) case study”, by Panday et al. (1993)1995/06/01English
Mobility of arsenic in soil from the Rocky Mountain Arsenal area1999/07/01English
The development of a safety assessment model of the geosphere for a repository sited in the crystalline basement of northern Switzerland1997/04/01English
A field test of tracer transport and organic contaminant elution in a stratified aquifer at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal (Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.)1997/01/01English
Probabilistic sensitivity analysis for one-dimensional contaminant transport in the vadose zone1996/11/01English
Numerical modeling of coupled variably saturated fluid flow and reactive transport with fast and slow chemical reactions2001/02/01English
Substrate interaction during aerobic biodegradation of creosote-related compounds in columns of sandy aquifer material1998/01/01English
Use of tree rings to investigate the onset of contamination of a shallow aquifer by chlorinated hydrocarbons2001/08/01English
Modeling solute diffusion in the presence of pore-scale heterogeneity: method development and an application to the Culebra dolomite Member of the Rustler Formation, New Mexico, USA2001/04/01English
Simulation of reactive processes related to biodegradation in aquifers1998/05/01English
Modeling of the gaseous diffusion coefficient in the presence of NAPL1998/10/01English
Time-lapse 3-D seismic imaging of shallow subsurface contaminant flow2001/12/01English
Acid leaching of copper in a saturated porous material: Parameter identification and experimental validation of a two-dimensional transport model1997/07/01English
Density-dependent solute transport in discretely-fractured geologic media: is prediction possible?1998/10/01English
In situ resin impregnation for investigating radionuclide retardation in fractured repository host rocks1998/12/01English
Sorption and degradation of four nitroaromatic herbicides in mono and multi-solute saturated/unsaturated soil batch systems1998/09/01English
Prediction and minimization of vertical migration of DNAPLS using surfactant enhanced aquifer remediation at neutral buoyancy1998/11/01English
Predicting solute transport in heterogeneous media from results obtained in homogeneous ones: an experimental approach1997/02/01English
Interpretation of actinide-distribution data obtained from non-destructive and destructive post-test analyses of an intact-core column of Culebra dolomite2001/02/01English