Journal of Voice

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Key to Singing Off-Key: The Trained Singer and Pitch Perception Distortion2023/01/01English
Metabolic Roles of Colony-Forming Tissue Stem Cells in the Maculae Flavae of Newborn Vocal Fold In Vivo2023/01/01English
Common Mental Disorders and Self-Perceived Interpersonal Communication and Vocal Symptoms in University Professors2023/01/01English
Change of Phonation in Canines Without Vocal Fold Paralysis After Vocal Processes Resection2023/01/01English
Editorial Board2023/01/01English
Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation for Laryngopharyngeal Reflux: An Assessment of Efficacy and Predictors of Outcome2024/04/01English
Laryngeal Leishmaniasis: A Neglected, Emerging Disease in Northern Italy2024/04/01English
Efficacy of Speech-Language Pathology Interventions for Globus Pharyngeus: A Scoping Review2024/04/01English
Can We Use the Maximum Phonation Time as a Screening of Pulmonary Forced Vital Capacity in Post-COVID-19 Syndrome Patients?2024/04/01English
A Comparison of Countertenor Singing at Various Professional Levels Using Acoustic, Electroglottographic, and Videofluoroscopic Methods2024/04/01English
Association Between Helicobacter pylori and Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis2024/04/01English
Electrophysiological Changes on Laryngeal Motor Neuropathways Cause Voice Disorders for Postradiotherapy Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma2024/04/01English
Tremor Makes a Difference: A Comparative Study of the Demographics and Treatment Outcomes in Patients With Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia With or Without Vocal Tremor2024/02/01English
Influence of Cognitive Load on Voice Production: A Scoping Review2023/09/01English
Cross-Linguistic Adaptation of Vocal Fatigue Handicap Questionnaire into Kannada (VFHQ-K)2023/09/01English
Long-Term Average Spectrum as an Outcome Measure of Vocal Projection After Resonant Voice Therapy in Carnatic Classical Singers2023/09/01English
The Acoustics of Gender in Indian English: Toward Forensic Profiling in a Multilingual Context2023/09/01English
Auditory-Motor Function Pre- and Post-Therapy in Hyperfunctional Voice Disorders: A Case Series2023/09/01English
Editorial Board2023/09/01English
Reinke’s Edema: New Insights into Voice Analysis, a Retrospective Study2023/09/01English
Correlation Between Laryngoscopic Appearance and Histopathology in Vocal Fold Cysts2023/09/01English
Efficacy of the Grit Scale Score in Predicting Voice Therapy Adherence and Outcomes2023/09/01English
Mapping the Landscape of Voice Complaints among Teachers: A Bibliometric Investigation2023/08/01English
Performers With History of Voice Injury: A Survey Study of Treatment Outcomes and Vocal Function2023/08/01English
Vocal Fatigue, Dysphonia Risk, and Associated Factors in Male Brazilian Evangelical Pastors2023/08/01English
Extent and Effect of Covering Laryngeal Structures with Synthetic Laryngeal Mucus via Two Different Administration Techniques2023/08/01English
Characterizing Gender-Affirming Voice Intervention Discussion on Social Media: A Cross-Platform Analysis2023/08/01English
Seeing Voices: A Dynamic, Interprofessional Approach to Teaching Performing Arts and Speech-Language Pathology Students About Vocal Anatomy and Physiology2023/08/01English
Comparing Effects of Short- and Long-Term Exposure of Cigarette Smoke Extract on Human Vocal Fold Fibroblasts2023/09/01English