Journal of Voice

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Virtual Reality Helps Describe the Progression of Thyroid Cartilage Calcification2024/03/01English
Phonatory Tasks and Outcome Measures for Assessing Vocal Fatigue: A Scoping Review2024/03/01English
Office-Based Laser Therapy in Vocal Fold Polyps: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis2023/03/01English
Thyroarytenoid Muscle Avulsion2023/04/01English
Visual Interpretation of Vocal Fold Paralysis in Flexible Laryngoscopy Using Eye Tracking Technology2023/03/01English
Assessing Acoustic Parameters in Early Music and Romantic Operatic Singing2023/03/01English
Vocal Fatigue Index in Finnish-Speaking Population2023/03/01English
Voice Outcomes of Straw Phonation Exercises for Telephone Customer Service Staff2023/03/01English
Letter to the Editor: Aerodynamic Measures in Muscle Tension Dysphonia2023/05/01English
The Added Value of Steroid Injection Following Office-based Blue Laser Therapy of Benign Lesions of the Vocal Folds; Short-Term Effect in a Cohort of 43 Patients2023/03/01English
Efficacy of Injectable Laryngoplasty With Hyaluronic Acid and/or Calcium Hydroxyapatite in the Treatment of Glottic Incompetence. Systematic Review and Meta-analysis2023/02/01English
Vocal Fatigue Experiences and Mitigation Strategies in the Sacred Harp Singing Community2024/01/01English
Editorial Board2024/01/01English
Safety and Efficacy of Outpatient Type 1 Thyroplasty Using Gore-Tex for Mobile Vocal Folds2023/07/01English
Diagnosis of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease Based on Gray and Texture Changes of Laryngoscopic Images2023/07/01English
Translation and Validation of the Arabic Version of the Reflux Symptom Score, Short Version 12 (RSS-12)2023/07/01English
Prevalence of Laryngeal Muscle Tension in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea2023/07/01English
Vocal Fold Polyps: A Scoping Review2023/07/01English
The Vocal Priorities of College Students With and Without Self-Reported Voice Problems2023/07/01English
A Comparison Between W Score and RYAN Score in Diagnosing Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease2023/07/01English
A Machine-Learning Algorithm for the Automated Perceptual Evaluation of Dysphonia Severity2023/07/01English
The Relationship Between the Stomatognathic System and Voice in Classical Singers2023/06/01English
Determining Cutoff Point in Bahasa Malaysia Version of Voice Handicap Index-10 (mVHI-10)2023/07/01English
Auditory-Perceptual Judgment of Vocal Resonance in Carnatic Singers by Different Groups of Listeners2023/06/01English
In Memoriam: Sid M. Khosla, 1962–20222023/03/01English
Instructions for Contributors2023/01/01English
Associations of Personality, Physical and Mental Health with Voice Range Profiles2023/01/01English
Safety of Laryngeal Electromyography and Repetitive Stimulation2023/01/01English