Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Stability of quadratic curvature functionals at product of Einstein manifolds2021/10/01English
C(K, X) as an M-ideal inWC(K, X)1992/12/01English
Scattering theory for Stark Hamiltonians1994/11/01English
Inverse spectral theory for Jacobi matrices and their almost periodicity1994/11/01English
Topological algebras withC*-enveloping algebras1992/12/01English
Almost periodicity of some Jacobi matrices1992/12/01English
Lp-estimates for Schrödinger operators1994/11/01English
Stochastic dilation of minimal quantum dynamical semigroup1992/12/01English
On the zeros of a class of generalised Dirichlet series—XI1992/12/01English
A conjecture for some partial differential operators onL2(Rn)1994/11/01English
Three-dimensional diffraction of compressional waves by a rigid cylinder in an inhomogeneous medium1992/12/01English
Spectral shift function and trace formula1994/11/01English
Fundamental group schemes of n-fold symmetric product of a smooth projective curve2021/10/01English
Structure of weakly one-sided duo Ore extensions2021/02/09English
On a problem about the connectivity of the proper enhanced power graph of a finite group2022/05/07English
Topological differences at infinity for nonlinear problems related to the fractional Laplacian2022/05/11English
Strongly contracting geodesics in a tree of spaces2022/05/11English
Gow–Tamburini type generation of SL$$_{\varvec{3}}\varvec{(R)}$$ over the rings of integers of imaginary quadratic number fields of class number one2022/04/21English
Augmented n-ary maps and their applications to graded n-ary algebraic structures2022/12/13English
Primes in Beatty sequence2021/04/01English
Topologies on sets of polynomial knots and the homotopy types of the respective spaces2021/04/01English
Boundaries of graphs of relatively hyperbolic groups with cyclic edge groups2022/07/27English
Brauer group of moduli of torsors under Bruhat–Tits group scheme $$\varvec{\mathcal {G}}$$ over a curve2022/08/16English
On the automorphism group of doubled Grassmann graphs2020/11/13English
On truncated spectral regularization for an ill-posed evolution equation2021/10/01English
An improved result in almost sure local central limit theorem for the partial sums2022/03/22English
A Furstenberg–Zimmer structure theorem for $$\varvec{\sigma }$$-finitemeasure spaces2022/03/22English
Derivation modules for sum and gluing2022/03/22English