Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On a Ramanujan’s Eisenstein series identity of level fifteen2019/06/24English
Nambu structures on Lie algebroids and their modular classes2019/06/24English
Heptavalent symmetric graphs of order $$\varvec{24p}$$2019/06/24English
The convolution equation $$\varvec{\sigma *\mu =\mu }$$ on non-compact non-abelian semigroups2019/06/27English
Traveling salesman problem across well-connected cities and with location-dependent edge lengths2019/08/03English
Symplectic reduction of Sasakian manifolds2019/06/27English
Mixed coloured permutations2020/01/22English
Normalized unit groups and their conjugacy classes2020/01/09English
Rainbow 2-connectivity of edge-comb product of a cycle and a Hamiltonian graph2020/01/09English
A simple method to extract zeros of certain Eisenstein series of small level2020/01/09English
The group of invertible ideals of a Prüfer ring2020/01/09English
Class group of the ring of invariants of an exponential map on an affine normal domain2020/01/03English
GIT quotient of a Bott–Samelson–Demazure–Hansen variety by a maximal torus2019/03/11English
McKay correspondence in quasi-SL quasitoric orbifolds2019/03/11English
Diophantinc approximation by linear forms on manifolds1990/12/01English
An efficient algorithm for linear programming1990/12/01English
Some results involving Bessel function and Fox’s H-function of two variables1990/12/01English
Anderson model with decaying randomness existence of extended states1990/12/01English
On ramification index of composition of complete discrete valuation fields2020/09/19English
On the transcendental values of Cantor-like power series2022/01/11English
Concentration behavior of solutions for quasilinear elliptic equations with steep potential well2022/01/15English
On conjectures of Minkowski and Woods for $$\varvec{n=10}$$2022/07/16English
Number of generators of derivation modules of some hypersurfaces2022/06/01English
On free group generated by two Heisenberg translations2022/06/01English
On the mean value of generalized Dirichlet $${\varvec{L}}$$-functions with weight of the character sums2021/10/01English
Blocking sets of tangent and external lines to an elliptic quadric in PG(3, q)2021/10/01English
Frequent hypercyclicity and chaoticity of Toeplitz operators and their tensor products2021/10/01English
OnN-body Schrödinger operators1994/11/01English
The geometry and spectra of hyperbolic manifolds1994/11/01English
OnL1-convergence of a modified cosine sum1992/12/01English