Nature Astronomy

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Formation of diamonds in laser-compressed hydrocarbons at planetary interior conditions2017/08/21English149
HXMT identification of a non-thermal X-ray burst from SGR J1935+2154 and with FRB 2004282021/02/18English147
The case for electron re-acceleration at galaxy cluster shocks2017/01/04English145
Powering prolonged hydrothermal activity inside Enceladus2017/11/06English141
Aerosol composition of hot giant exoplanets dominated by silicates and hydrocarbon hazes2020/05/25English140
A tidal disruption event coincident with a high-energy neutrino2021/02/22English140
An extended hydrogen envelope of the extremely hot giant exoplanet KELT-9b2018/07/02English137
Preliminary analysis of the Hayabusa2 samples returned from C-type asteroid Ryugu2021/12/20English135
Atmospheric reconnaissance of the habitable-zone Earth-sized planets orbiting TRAPPIST-12018/02/05English134
A peculiar hard X-ray counterpart of a Galactic fast radio burst2021/02/18English127
Kinematic detection of a planet carving a gap in a protoplanetary disk2019/08/12English124
The many flavours of photometric redshifts2018/06/04English120
Low thermal conductivity boulder with high porosity identified on C-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu2019/07/15English120
The dynamic geophysical environment of (101955) Bennu based on OSIRIS-REx measurements2019/03/19English119
Binary stars as the key to understanding planetary nebulae2017/05/02English116
Multiple subglacial water bodies below the south pole of Mars unveiled by new MARSIS data2020/09/28English115
Molybdenum isotopic evidence for the late accretion of outer Solar System material to Earth2019/05/20English113
Cosmic ray measurements from Voyager 2 as it crossed into interstellar space2019/11/04English112
On the detection of a cosmic dawn signal in the radio background2022/02/28English111
The great isotopic dichotomy of the early Solar System2019/12/16English107
Spectroscopic confirmation of four metal-poor galaxies at z = 10.3–13.22023/04/04English107
Observing black holes spin2019/01/08English105
A comprehensive three-dimensional radiative magnetohydrodynamic simulation of a solar flare2018/11/26English105
Transition from fireball to Poynting-flux-dominated outflow in the three-episode GRB 160625B2017/11/20English104
A rotating protostellar jet launched from the innermost disk of HH 2122017/06/12English104
Hydrogen escape from Mars enhanced by deep convection in dust storms2018/01/22English103
Hierarchical mergers of stellar-mass black holes and their gravitational-wave signatures2021/07/26English102
Spitzer’s perspective of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in galaxies2020/03/23English102
Disk-driven rotating bipolar outflow in Orion Source I2017/06/12English102
The local nanohertz gravitational-wave landscape from supermassive black hole binaries2017/11/13English102