Nature Astronomy

Title Publication Date Language Citations
New eyes on Titan2023/01/04English
Sputnik Planitia as an impactor remnant indicative of an ancient rocky mascon in an oceanless Pluto2024/04/15English
Expanding our limits with Euclid2024/04/15English
Chromospheric and coronal heating in an active region plage by dissipation of currents from braiding2024/04/15English
Hints of a physical origin for the S8 tension2024/04/15English
High-resolution observations and numerical simulations provide insight into solar atmospheric heating2024/04/15English
Free-floating binary planets from ejections during close stellar encounters2024/04/19English
Asteroid Kamo‘oalewa’s journey from the lunar Giordano Bruno crater to Earth 1:1 resonance2024/04/19English
Under new management2024/04/22English
Reply to: Highlighting the back-action contribution of matter to quantum sensor network performance in multi-messenger astronomy2024/04/19English
Orbital polarimetric tomography of a flare near the Sagittarius A* supermassive black hole2024/04/22English
Maintaining spherical polarization in solar wind plasma2024/04/22English
The hunt for PeVatrons as the origin of the most energetic photons observed in the Galaxy2024/04/22English
Venus as an anchor point for planetary habitability2024/04/22English
On our bookshelf2024/04/22English
Revealing the 3D structure of a flare orbiting the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole2024/04/22English
In situ observation of mass ejections caused by magnetic reconnections in the ionosphere of Mars2024/04/22English
Dance of the galaxy pairs2024/04/22English
Magnetic Reconnection on Z experiments2024/04/22English
Baryonic properties of nearby galaxies across the stellar-to-total dynamical mass relation2024/02/19English
Still hope for the atmosphere of TRAPPIST-1 c2023/09/15English
Next stop the Moon2023/09/15English
Three arms point to three stars2023/09/15English
Modelling a long gamma-ray burst2023/09/15English
An irradiated-Jupiter analogue hotter than the Sun2023/08/14English
Resolving the nature of hot cosmic plasmas2023/08/17English
Umbrella-like stellar stream of NGC 9222023/08/17English
Deep impact releases boulder swarm2023/08/17English