Sound Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Beyond Beethoven? Constructing the image of the German city Bonn through the sound art project Bonn Hoeren2019/07/03English
Sound Judgment Acoustic jurisprudence: listening to the trial of Simon Bikindi , by James E. K. Parker, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015, 272 pp., US$98.50 (hardcover), ISBN 97801987358092018/01/02English
Morale as sonic force: Listen to Britain and total war2019/10/29English
Listening to the sounds of war: an interview with Michel Chion2017/07/03English
Sonic anarchy on display2017/01/02English
Race, radio, rule and revolution: wireless media in the early twentieth century Caribbean2017/07/03English
‘Hands’ and ‘voices’2015/01/01English
The capaciousness of sound studies2016/07/02English
Inside sonicity2016/07/02English
How to communicate potlatch in the medium of sound?2015/01/01English
Gesturing towards theory2015/01/01English
Posthuman sounds2015/01/01English
Speculative necrophonics or the distribution of the xensible2015/01/01English
Energizing sound2015/01/01English
The Roaring Twenties online2016/01/02English
The sonic turn in music2021/01/02English
Books of sonic interest2021/07/03English
Sonic warfare: sound, affect, and the ecology of fear2021/07/06English
The sound of indigenous modernity: past, present, future2020/04/26English
On vibrations: cosmographs2020/01/02English
Postscript on the societies of voltage control: composing the superstructure2021/11/22English
The last ocean you will ever need to buy2022/01/02English
Echoes in the capitol, echoes in history: architectural acoustics, media archaeology, and the infrapolitics of reverberation2022/04/09English
Justifications of attention2022/04/09English
Archives of urban voices2022/03/29English
Sounding China through Western ears2022/03/29English
Acts of air: reshaping the urban sonic2021/02/02English
Concluding remarks at a time of beginnings2021/02/16English