Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Passive mixing in a three-dimensional serpentine microchannel2000/06/01854
Three-dimensional micro-channel fabrication in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) elastomer2000/03/01718
M-TEST: A test chip for MEMS material property measurement using electrostatically actuated test structures1997/06/01499
Gaseous slip flow in long microchannels1997/06/01478
Quality factors in micron- and submicron-thick cantilevers2000/03/01453
Ink-jet printed nanoparticle microelectromechanical systems2002/01/01397
Design and fabrication of compliant micromechanisms and structures with negative Poisson's ratio1997/06/01390
Thin film shape memory alloy microactuators1996/01/01369
Etch rates for micromachining processing1996/01/01344
Alkyltrichlorosilane-based self-assembled monolayer films for stiction reduction in silicon micromachines1998/06/01324
There's plenty of room at the bottom [data storage]1992/03/01301
Mechanical stability and adhesion of microstructures under capillary forces. I. Basic theory1993/03/01286
Evaluation of size effect on mechanical properties of single crystal silicon by nanoscale bending test using AFM2000/12/01271
Extending the travel range of analog-tuned electrostatic actuators1999/01/01269
A new technique for measuring the mechanical properties of thin films1997/01/01262
Microstructure to substrate self-assembly using capillary forces2001/03/01253
Thin-film shape-memory alloy actuated micropumps1998/06/01250
Specimen size effect on tensile strength of surface-micromachined polycrystalline silicon thin films1998/03/01226
Electrostatic micro torsion mirrors for an optical switch matrix1996/01/01217
A HARPSS polysilicon vibrating ring gyroscope2001/06/01209
A ferrofluidic magnetic micropump2001/06/01204
Modeling and optimal design of piezoelectric cantilever microactuators1997/01/01204
Mechanical stability and adhesion of microstructures under capillary forces. II. Experiments1993/03/01201
Bent-beam electrothermal actuators-Part I: Single beam and cascaded devices2001/06/01196
Surface-tension-driven microactuation based on continuous electrowetting2000/06/01194
Micromachined low-loss microwave switches1999/06/01189
Modeling of a three-layer piezoelectric bimorph beam with hysteresis1995/01/01185
VHF free-free beam high-Q micromechanical resonators2000/09/01184
Electric impedance spectroscopy using microchannels with integrated metal electrodes1999/03/01167
Generating efficient dynamical models for microelectromechanical systems from a few finite-element simulation runs1999/01/01159