Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development

Title Publication Date Language Citations
What is Sustainable Development? Goals, Indicators, Values, and Practice2005/04/01English413
Rating the Risks1979/04/01English283
The Political Divide on Climate Change: Partisan Polarization Widens in the U.S.2016/08/25English278
Global Metal Pollution: Poisoning the Biosphere?1990/09/01English187
Of Global Concern1993/11/01English149
Sheepfarming after Chernobyl: A Case Study in Communicating Scientific Information1989/03/01English126
Making Climate HOT2004/12/01English121
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From Air Pollution to Climate Change1998/09/01English119
Climate Change in the American Mind: Data, Tools, and Trends2019/04/17English118
Disaster Resilience: A National Imperative2013/03/01English115
Acid Rain1972/03/01English115
Day After Tomorrow: Study of Climate Change Risk Perception2004/11/01English97
Seagrass Meadows, Ecosystem Services, and Sustainability2013/05/01English82
Compound, Cascading, or Complex Disasters: What's in a Name?2018/10/26English77
It's Time for an Urbanization Science2013/01/01English73
TBT: An Environmental Dilemma1986/10/01English72
Appreciating Agrodiversity: A Look at the Dynamism and Diversity of Indigenous Farming Practices1994/06/01English72
Using Foret Plantations TO SPARE Natural Forests1997/12/01English64
Regional Differences in Tropical Deforestation2003/07/01English62
Report on Reports: Our Common Future1987/06/01English61
Energy Democracy: Redistributing Power to the People Through Renewable Transformation2019/02/13English59
How the Public Views Climate Change1997/11/01English59
What Does Sustainability Really Mean?: The Search for Useful Indicators1998/11/01English59
Undervaluing and Overexploiting the Brazilian Cerrado at Our Peril2016/11/01English56
Chemical Time Bombs: Predicting the Unpredictable1991/05/01English56
Understanding Perceived Risk: 1978–20152015/12/31English56
Using Stakeholder Values to Make Smarter Environmental Decisions2000/06/01English55
Risk Perception, Trust, and Nuclear Waste: Lessons from Yucca Mountain1991/04/01English55
Geoengineering the Climate: The Social and Ethical Implications2010/01/01English52
Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Europe: Status Quo and Insights for the Environmental Policy Agenda2013/12/23English52