Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Causes of Pollution1971/04/01English51
Moving Forward on Competence in Sustainability Research and Problem Solving2011/03/14English51
Overcoming Racism in Environmental Decisionmaking1994/05/01English49
The Sustainability Challenges of Our Meat and Dairy Diets2015/04/23English48
From Racialized Neocolonial Global Conservation to an Inclusive and Regenerative Conservation2021/07/02English48
Exploring the links between Desertification and Climate Change1993/08/01English47
The Limits of Consensus: The Environmental Protection System in Transition: Toward a More Desirable Future1999/04/01English47
Making the Global Local Responding to Climate Change Concerns from the Ground2003/04/01English46
Third World Cities at Risk: Building for Calamity1986/11/01English45
Water, War & Peace in the Middle East1994/04/01English44
Sustainable Urbanization in Western China2014/04/30English44
The 4P Approach to Dealing with Scientific Uncertainty1992/11/01English43
Oil Pollution in the Marine Environment I: Inputs, Big Spills, Small Spills, and Dribbles2013/11/01English42
Possible Responses to Global Climate Change: Integrating Mitigation and Adaptation2003/06/01English42
Made in China: Cancer Villages2010/02/26English42
An Ocean of Oil: A Small Oil Spill1971/03/01English41
Psychology, Climate Change & Sustainable Bahaviour2009/12/01English41
Biosphere Reserves: A Challenge for Biodiversity Conservation & Regional Development1997/06/01English41
Auditing the Earth:The Value of the World's Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital1998/03/01English41
Blue Carbon: Coastal Ecosystems, Their Carbon Storage, and Potential for Reducing Emissions2013/11/01English40
Caribbean Islands in a Changing Climate2010/11/15English40
The Future of the Forest1988/09/01English40
Salmon Aquaculture in the Pacific Northwest A Global Industry with Local Impacts2003/10/01English39
Losing Ground1976/04/01English37
Markets for Biodiversity Services: Potential Roles and Challenges2004/07/01English34
Forensic Disaster Investigations in Depth: A New Case Study Model2010/08/31English34
Population and Consumption: What We Know, What We Need to Know2000/04/01English33
The Case for a World Environment Organization2000/11/01English33