IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Human Motion Generation: A Survey2024/04/01
An Introduction to Adversarially Robust Deep Learning2024/04/01
Monocular Depth Estimation: A Thorough Review2024/04/01
Rethinking Dual-Stream Super-Resolution Semantic Learning in Medical Image Segmentation2024/01/01
GiganticNVS: Gigapixel Large-Scale Neural Rendering With Implicit Meta-Deformed Manifold2024/01/01
Differentiable Image Data Augmentation and Its Applications: A Survey2024/02/01
Booster: A Benchmark for Depth From Images of Specular and Transparent Surfaces2024/01/01
Image Captioning With Controllable and Adaptive Length Levels2024/02/01
Structure Mapping Generative Adversarial Network for Multi-View Information Mapping Pattern Mining2024/04/01
Unified Adversarial Patch for Visible-Infrared Cross-Modal Attacks in the Physical World2024/04/01
Temporal Action Localization in the Deep Learning Era: A Survey2024/04/01
MVEB: Self-Supervised Learning With Multi-View Entropy Bottleneck2024/01/01
Gaussian Process-Gated Hierarchical Mixtures of Experts2024/01/01
Exploiting Structural Consistency of Chest Anatomy for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Radiography Images2024/01/01
Improving Fast Adversarial Training With Prior-Guided Knowledge2024/01/01
Multi-Label Conditional Generation From Pre-Trained Models2024/01/01
Tackling Noisy Labels With Network Parameter Additive Decomposition2024/01/01
AutoNet-Generated Deep Layer-Wise Convex Networks for ECG Classification2024/01/01
Causality-Invariant Interactive Mining for Cross-Modal Similarity Learning2024/01/01
Scalable Optimal Transport Methods in Machine Learning: A Contemporary Survey2024/01/01
EGCN++: A New Fusion Strategy for Ensemble Learning in Skeleton-Based Rehabilitation Exercise Assessment2024/01/01
A Semantic and Motion-Aware Spatiotemporal Transformer Network for Action Detection2024/01/01
Real-Time CNN Training and Compression for Neural-Enhanced Adaptive Live Streaming2024/01/01
Deep Learning for Visual Speech Analysis: A Survey2024/01/01
Training-Free Transformer Architecture Search With Zero-Cost Proxy Guided Evolution2024/01/01
HIRI-ViT: Scaling Vision Transformer with High Resolution Inputs2024/01/01
Bridging Implicit and Explicit Geometric Transformation for Single-Image View Synthesis2024/01/01
Robust Shape Fitting for 3D Scene Abstraction2024/01/01
A Transformative Topological Representation for Link Modeling, Prediction and Cross-Domain Network Analysis2024/01/01
PAGE: Prototype-Based Model-Level Explanations for Graph Neural Networks2024/01/01