Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Sales profession and professionals in the age of digitization and artificial intelligence technologies: concepts, priorities, and questions2019/01/02English143
Salesperson ambidexterity and customer satisfaction: examining the role of customer demandingness, adaptive selling, and role conflict2017/01/02English100
Gritting their teeth to close the sale: the positive effect of salesperson grit on job satisfaction and performance2018/09/12English90
The good, the bad and the effective: a meta-analytic examination of selling orientation and customer orientation on sales performance2014/03/26English73
Hybrid sales structures in the age of e-commerce2018/04/20English69
Salespeople as knowledge brokers: a review and critique of the challenger sales model2014/04/16English66
Time, change, and longitudinally emergent conditions: understanding and applying longitudinal growth modeling in sales research2017/04/03English66
Servant leadership and ethics: a dyadic examination of supervisor behaviors and salesperson perceptions2015/02/17English65
Qualitative sales research: an exposition of grounded theory2014/09/10English64
Organizational Readiness for Change, Individual Fear of Change, and Sales Manager Performance: An Empirical Investigation2004/12/01English61
Examining impacts of technostress on the professional salesperson's behavioural performance2014/01/02English58
Salesperson empathy, ethical behaviors, and sales performance: the moderating role of trust in one's manager2015/02/13English58
The Moral Philosophy of Sales Managers and its Influence on Ethical Decision Making1998/01/01English57
The impact of salesperson customer orientation on the evaluation of a salesperson’s ethical treatment, trust in the salesperson, and intentions to purchase2015/02/18English51
Leadership style, salesperson's work effort and job performance: the influence of power distance2014/09/26English51
The Selling Orientation–Customer Orientation (Soco) Scale: Cross-Validation of the Revised Version2004/12/01English48
Influence of the ethical servant leader and ethical climate on customer value enhancing sales performance2015/02/13English47
Sales management control systems: review, synthesis, and directions for future exploration2018/01/02English46
Are sales as we know it dying … or merely transforming?2017/10/02English45
Which influence tactics lead to sales performance? It is a matter of style2014/03/03English44
A meta-analytic review of emotional exhaustion in a sales context2019/05/06English42
The Moderating Effect of Sales Force Performance on Relationships Involving Antecedents of Turnover1992/01/01English39
Contingent cross-selling and up-selling relationships with performance and job satisfaction: an MOA-theoretic examination2014/08/07English38
(Re) defining salesperson motivation: current status, main challenges, and research directions2018/01/02English37
What does adaptive selling mean to salespeople? An exploratory analysis of practitioners’ responses to generic adaptive selling scales2019/07/03English37
The double-edged effects of emotional intelligence on the adaptive selling–salesperson-owned loyalty relationship2014/01/02English36
The impact of digital transformation on salespeople: an empirical investigation using the JD-R model2021/04/03English36
Do sales and service compete? The impact of multiple psychological climates on frontline employee performance2017/01/02English36
JPSSMsince the beginning: intellectual cornerstones, knowledge structure, and thematic developments2016/10/01English36
Sales intrafirm networks and the performance impact of sales cross-functional collaboration with marketing and customer service2018/03/08English36