Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
When do customers perceive customer centricity? The role of a firm’s and salespeople’s customer orientation2019/07/15English36
Influencing the salesforce through perceived ethical leadership: the role of salesforce socialization and person–organization fit on salesperson ethics and performance2015/10/02English36
Psychological ethical climate, leader–member exchange and commitment to superior customer value: influencing salespeople’s unethical intent and sales performance2017/01/02English36
Selling behaviours and sales performance: the moderating and mediating effects of interpersonal mentalizing2014/03/03English35
Territory Assignment Decisions and Supervising Unethical Selling Behavior: The Effects of Obesity and Gender as Moderated by Job-Related Factors1998/01/01English35
Selling and Sales Management in Action: The Use of Insight Coaching to Improve Relationship Selling1992/01/01English34
Psychological Adaptiveness and Sales Performance1992/01/01English33
Personal selling and the purchasing function: where do we go from here?2018/01/02English33
Will Feminization Change the Ethics of the Sales Profession?1992/01/01English32
Resource orchestration and dynamic managerial capabilities: focusing on sales managers as effective resource orchestrators2018/05/11English32
The effect of environmental orientation on salesperson effort and participation: the moderating role of organizational identification2014/02/24English31
Selling with technology: understanding the resistance to mobile sales assistant use in retailing2016/07/02English31
Serving first for the benefit of others: preliminary evidence for a hierarchical conceptualization of servant leadership2016/01/02English31
Connect within to connect outside: effect of salespeople's political skill on relationship performance2017/10/02English30
Salespersons’ empathy as a missing link in the customer orientation–loyalty chain: an investigation of drivers and age differences as a contingency2016/07/02English30
The human side of digital transformation in sales: review & future paths2021/04/03English30
Manager–salesperson congruence in customer orientation and job outcomes: The bright and dark sides of leadership in aligning values2014/02/28English30
Salesperson knowledge distinctions and sales performance2014/03/03English29
People, Process, and Performance: Setting an agenda for sales enablement research2020/05/22English29
Is it navigation, networking, coordination … or what? A multidisciplinary review of influences on the intraorganizational dimension of the sales role and performance2018/04/03English29
The role of delight in driving repurchase intentions2017/01/02English28
Salesperson brand attachment: a job demands-resources theory perspective2016/01/02English28
Whom to hire and how to coach them: a longitudinal analysis of newly hired salesperson performance2019/09/25English28
Self-efficacy and personal selling: review and examination with an emphasis on sales performance2019/08/30English27
Improving online panel data usage in sales research2015/11/13English26
Digital transformation of business-to-business sales: what needs to be unlearned?2021/04/03English26
It is all in good humor? Examining the impact of salesperson evaluations of leader humor on salesperson job satisfaction and job stress2019/06/19English26
Rogues in the ranks of selling organizations: using corporate ethics to manage workplace bullying and job satisfaction2015/02/26English26
Marketing Ethics: Sales Professionals Versus Other Marketing Professionals1992/01/01English26
Practical insights for sales force digitalization success2021/04/03English26