Journal of Happiness Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Putting the ‘app’ in Happiness: A Randomised Controlled Trial of a Smartphone-Based Mindfulness Intervention to Enhance Wellbeing2014/10/29English197
Uses of music and psychological well-being among the elderly2006/10/10English197
Using the Past to Enhance the Present: Boosting Happiness Through Positive Reminiscence2005/09/01English190
Integrating The Diverse Definitions of Happiness: A Time-Sequential Framework of Subjective Well-Being2005/09/01English185
The Happy-Productive Worker Thesis Revisited2008/02/28English183
The Relationships Among Gratitude, Self-esteem, Social Support and Life Satisfaction Among Undergraduate Students2014/04/22English183
Life satisfaction and satisfaction in domains of life: is it a simple relationship?2006/08/23English177
Strengths Use as a Predictor of Well-Being and Health-Related Quality of Life2010/01/22English173
Job Insecurity and Well-Being: Moderation by Employability2008/10/10English169
Comparing Three Methods to Measure a Balanced Time Perspective: The Relationship Between a Balanced Time Perspective and Subjective Well-Being2012/03/24English164
The Silver Lining of Materialism: The Impact of Luxury Consumption on Subjective Well-Being2011/05/04English164
Subjective Wellbeing as an Affective-Cognitive Construct2007/09/25English162
Stressed and Happy? Investigating the Relationship Between Happiness and Perceived Stress2008/06/11English161
Second Wave Positive Psychology: Exploring the Positive–Negative Dialectics of Wellbeing2015/08/14English153
Gratitude and the Reduced Costs of Materialism in Adolescents2010/03/11English152
Does Telework Stress Employees Out? A Study on Working at Home and Subjective Well-Being for Wage/Salary Workers2019/11/04English152
Character Strengths and Happiness among Young Children: Content Analysis of Parental Descriptions2006/09/01English151
“Building Hope for the Future”: A Program to Foster Strengths in Middle-School Students2009/12/10English151
Unemployment, Social Capital, and Subjective Well-Being2008/04/09English149
Two Concepts or Two Approaches? A Bifactor Analysis of Psychological and Subjective Well-Being2012/08/14English147
Eastern Conceptualizations of Happiness: Fundamental Differences with Western Views2013/03/21English146
Changes with Age in Subjective Well-Being Through the Adolescent Years: Differences by Gender2016/01/18English146
Social Support from Family and Friends and Subjective Well-Being of Older African Americans2015/03/15English146
Practical Wisdom: Aristotle meets Positive Psychology2006/09/01English144
Measuring the Happiness of Large-Scale Written Expression: Songs, Blogs, and Presidents2009/07/17English144
Psychological Capital Among University Students: Relationships with Study Engagement and Intrinsic Motivation2013/08/10English142
I am so Happy ’Cause Today I Found My Friend: Friendship and Personality as Predictors of Happiness2006/10/05English141
Social Capital and Individual Happiness in Europe2013/03/15English141
Forgiveness, Gratitude, and Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Affect and Beliefs2008/08/12English141
Optimising Employee Mental Health: The Relationship Between Intrinsic Need Satisfaction, Job Crafting, and Employee Well-Being2013/08/10English139