Grit and Different Aspects of Well-Being: Direct and Indirect Relationships via Sense of Coherence and Authenticity | 2015/11/17 | English | 134 |
The Efficacy of Multi-component Positive Psychology Interventions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials | 2019/02/11 | English | 131 |
Persevering with Positivity and Purpose: An Examination of Purpose Commitment and Positive Affect as Predictors of Grit | 2014/11/16 | English | 131 |
Individual Differences in Cognitive Emotion Regulation: Implications for Subjective and Psychological Well-Being | 2014/10/18 | English | 131 |
The Construct and Measurement of Peace of Mind | 2012/05/26 | English | 130 |
The Psychometric Evaluation of the Satisfaction with Life Scale Using a Nationally Representative Sample of China | 2010/02/06 | English | 130 |
What is Psychological Well-Being, Really? A Grassroots Approach from the Organizational Sciences | 2011/07/16 | English | 130 |
Social Capital and Well-Being in Times of Crisis | 2013/05/08 | English | 129 |
The Impact of Signature Character Strengths Interventions: A Meta-analysis | 2018/05/21 | English | 129 |
Meaningfulness as Satisfaction of Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness, and Beneficence: Comparing the Four Satisfactions and Positive Affect as Predictors of Meaning in Life | 2017/03/28 | English | 128 |
Ruminations and Flow: Why Do People with a More Harmonious Passion Experience Higher Well-Being? | 2011/07/05 | English | 128 |
Calling and Life Satisfaction Among Undergraduate Students: Investigating Mediators and Moderators | 2011/05/05 | English | 127 |
Character Strengths Interventions: Building on What We Know for Improved Outcomes | 2011/12/14 | English | 125 |
Linking Goal Progress and Subjective Well-Being: A Meta-analysis | 2014/01/09 | English | 123 |
Interdependent Happiness: Theoretical Importance and Measurement Validity | 2014/01/30 | English | 122 |
Spirituality, Religiousness, and Happiness in Children Aged 8–12 Years | 2008/12/11 | English | 122 |
Inclusive Leadership and Employee Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Person-Job Fit | 2016/10/01 | English | 121 |
Personality, Leisure Experiences and Happiness | 2005/09/01 | English | 120 |
Meaning in Nature: Meaning in Life as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Nature Connectedness and Well-Being | 2012/11/24 | English | 118 |
The Contribution of Social Relationships to Children’s Happiness | 2007/11/20 | English | 118 |
Subjective Well-Being in Adolescence: The Role of Self-Control, Social Support, Age, Gender, and Familial Crisis | 2014/10/08 | English | 117 |
The Application of Signature Character Strengths and Positive Experiences at Work | 2012/06/26 | English | 117 |
Positive Psychology at School: A School-Based Intervention to Promote Adolescents’ Mental Health and Well-Being | 2013/09/24 | English | 117 |
Flow Experience, Culture, and Well-being: How Do Autotelic Japanese College Students Feel, Behave, and Think in Their Daily Lives? | 2009/01/04 | English | 117 |
Feeling Good Makes Us Stronger: How Team Resilience Mediates the Effect of Positive Emotions on Team Performance | 2014/11/07 | English | 116 |
Testing Strengths-Based Interventions: A Preliminary Study on the Effectiveness of a Program Targeting Curiosity, Gratitude, Hope, Humor, and Zest for Enhancing Life Satisfaction | 2012/03/16 | English | 116 |
Stress and Subjective Well-Being Among First Year UK Undergraduate Students | 2016/04/05 | English | 116 |
What Is the Optimal Way to Deliver a Positive Activity Intervention? The Case of Writing About One’s Best Possible Selves | 2012/05/06 | English | 115 |
How We Feel is a Matter of Time: Relationships Between Time Perspectives and Mood | 2013/06/21 | English | 113 |
Self-Efficacy, Emotions and Work Engagement Among Teachers: A Two Wave Cross-Lagged Analysis | 2017/07/07 | English | 112 |