Administrative Science Quarterly

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Problems with Contingency Theory: Testing Assumptions Hidden within the Language of Contingency "Theory"1981/09/01520
The Calculated and the Avowed: Techniques of Discipline and Struggles Over Identity in Big Six Public Accounting Firms1998/06/01520
Unpacking the Concept of Virtuality: The Effects of Geographic Dispersion, Electronic Dependence, Dynamic Structure, and National Diversity on Team Innovation2006/09/01English519
Psychological and Traditional Determinants of Structure1986/12/01518
Exchange as a Conceptual Framework for the Study of Interorganizational Relationships1961/03/01518
Organizations: A Dialectical View1977/03/01515
Resetting the Clock: The Dynamics of Organizational Change and Failure1993/03/01512
Social Loafing and Collectivism: A Comparison of the United States and the People's Republic of China1989/12/01510
Institutionalism "Old" and "New"1996/06/01509
A Theory of Work Role Transitions1984/06/01508
Footnotes to Organizational Change1981/12/01504
Substance and Symbolism in CEOs' Long-Term Incentive Plans1994/09/01500
The Rhetoric and Reality of Total Quality Management1998/09/01497
Brainstorming Groups in Context: Effectiveness in a Product Design Firm1996/12/01494
The Structuring of Organizational Structures1980/03/01494
An Examination of Need-Satisfaction Models of Job Attitudes1977/09/01494
Institutional Logics and Institutional Pluralism: The Contestation of Care and Science Logics in Medical Education, 1967–20052010/03/01English489
The Rationalization of Charity: The Influences of Professionalism in the Nonprofit Sector2009/06/01English489
What Bandwagons Bring: Effects of Popular Management Techniques on Corporate Performance, Reputation, and CEO Pay2000/09/01English489
The Time Famine: Toward a Sociology of Work Time1999/03/01English488
Reciprocation: The Relationship Between Man and Organization1965/03/01487
Decoupling Policy from Practice: The Case of Stock Repurchase Programs2001/06/01English485
Making the Next Move: How Experiential and Vicarious Learning Shape the Locations of Chains' Acquisitions2000/12/01English484
How Experience and Network Ties Affect the Influence of Demographic Minorities on Corporate Boards2000/06/01English484
Environment as an Influence on Managerial Autonomy1958/03/01483
Status, Quality, and Social Order in the California Wine Industry1999/09/01English481
Bureaucracy and Innovation1965/06/01480
Forage for Thought: Mobilizing Codes in the Movement for Grass-fed Meat and Dairy Products2008/09/01English478
Sources and Consequences of Competitive Inertia: A Study of the U.S. Airline Industry1994/03/01474
Changing Patterns or Patterns of Change: The Effects of a Change in Technology on Social Network Structure and Power1990/03/01473