Administrative Science Quarterly

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Genre Repertoire: The Structuring of Communicative Practices in Organizations1994/12/01469
A Healthy Divide: Subgroups as a Stimulus for Team Learning Behavior2003/06/01English469
Personality and Charisma in the U.S. Presidency: A Psychological Theory of Leader Effectiveness1991/09/01467
Localized Competition and Organizational Failure in the Manhattan Hotel Industry, 1898-19901992/12/01467
Conceptual Issues in the Study of Innovation1976/12/01464
Personal and Role-Related Factors in the Development of Organizational Commitment1972/12/01464
Optimal Structure, Market Dynamism, and the Strategy of Simple Rules2009/09/01English464
A Tentative Exploration into the Amount and Equivocality of Information Processing in Organizational Work Units1981/06/01463
When Do Interlocks Matter?: Alternate Sources of Information and Interlock Influence1998/12/01463
Business Planning as Pedagogy: Language and Control in a Changing Institutional Field1998/06/01459
The Organizational and Interorganizational Development of Disasters1976/09/01458
Speeding Products to Market: Waiting Time to First Product Introduction in New Firms1990/03/01454
Large Corporate Failures as Downward Spirals1988/03/01453
Camping on Seesaws: Prescriptions for a Self-Designing Organization1976/03/01451
Evolution toward Fit2002/03/01English448
Swimming with Sharks: Technology Ventures, Defense Mechanisms and Corporate Relationships2008/06/01English446
Mimetic Processes Within an Interorganizational Field: An Empirical Test1989/09/01445
Strategy Formation in an Adhocracy1985/06/01444
A Contingency Theory of Socialization1976/09/01443
Relationship of Centralization to Other Structural Properties1967/06/01442
Work and Friendship Ties in Organizations: A Comparative Analysis of Relation Networks1979/06/01441
The Dynamics of Institutionalization: Transformation Processes in Norwegian Fisheries1995/09/01439
Organizational Demography and Turnover in Top-Management Group1984/03/01438
The Alignment of Technology and Structure through Roles and Networks1990/03/01437
Organizational Routines as Grammars of Action1994/09/01436
A Social Movement Perspective on Corporate Control1994/03/01436
Dynamic Delegation: Shared, Hierarchical, and Deindividualized Leadership in Extreme Action Teams2006/12/01English435
Forging an Identity: An Insider-outsider Study of Processes Involved in the Formation of Organizational Identity2010/03/01English433
Being Different Yet Feeling Similar: The Influence of Demographic Composition and Organizational Culture on Work Processes and Outcomes1998/12/01431
Reclaiming Qualitative Methods for Organizational Research: A Preface1979/12/01431