Administrative Science Quarterly

Title Publication Date Language Citations
What Theory is Not, Theorizing Is1995/09/01610
Culture: The Missing Concept in Organization Studies1996/06/01603
The Context of Organization Structures1969/03/01597
The Social Construction of Organizational Knowledge: A Study of the Uses of Coercive, Mimetic, and Normative Isomorphism1999/12/01English586
A Transaction Cost Approach to Make-or-Buy Decisions1984/09/01576
Organizational Mortality: The Liabilities of Newness and Adolescence1990/09/01575
Uncertainty, Imitation, and Plant Location: Japanese Multinational Corporations, 1990‐19962001/09/01English574
Emotional Balancing of Organizational Continuity and Radical Change: The Contribution of Middle Managers2002/03/01English572
Efficient Cultures: Exploring the Relationship Between Culture and Organizational Performance1983/09/01569
The Interorganizational Network as a Political Economy1975/06/01567
Organizational Size and the Structuralist Perspective: A Review, Critique, and Proposal1976/12/01565
Management Fashion: Lifecycles, Triggers, and Collective Learning Processes1999/12/01English565
Organizational Adaptation: Strategic Choice and Environmental Determinism1985/09/01563
Changing Interpretive Schemes and Organizational Restructuring: The Example of a Religious Order1984/09/01560
Central Perspectives and Debates in Organization Theory1983/06/01555
The Relationship Between Organizational Structure and Organizational Control1977/03/01554
Discerning Threats and Opportunities1988/09/01553
Power, Social Influence, and Sense Making: Effects of Network Centrality and Proximity on Employee Perceptions1993/06/01550
How New Market Categories Emerge: Temporal Dynamics of Legitimacy, Identity, and Entrepreneurship in Satellite Radio, 1990–20052010/09/01English545
Network Positions and Propensities to Collaborate: An Investigation of Strategic Alliance Formation in a High-Technology Industry1998/09/01544
The Diffusion of Ideas over Contested Terrain: The (Non)adoption of a Shareholder Value Orientation among German Firms2004/12/01English542
Leading Workers to Lead Themselves: The External Leadership of Self- Managing Work Teams1987/03/01541
Rivalry and the Industry Model of Scottish Knitwear Producers1995/06/01539
Organizational Improvisation and Learning: A Field Study2001/06/01English537
Network Learning: The Effects of Partners' Heterogeneity of Experience on Corporate Acquisitions2002/03/01English534
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder: The Impact of Organizational Identification, Identity, and Image on the Cooperative Behaviors of Physicians2002/09/01English533
An Emerging Strategy of "Direct" Research1979/12/01527
Fading Memories: A Process Theory of Strategic Business Exit in Dynamic Environments1994/03/01524
Single-Loop and Double-Loop Models in Research on Decision Making1976/09/01523
The Symbolic Management of Stockholders: Corporate Governance Reforms and Shareholder Reactions1998/03/01522