IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Role of Visual Assessment of Clusters for Big Data Analysis: From Real-World Internet of Things2020/10/015
The Internet of Things in Manufacturing: Key Issues and Potential Applications2018/01/015
Neural Interface Instrumented Virtual Reality Headsets: Toward Next-Generation Immersive Applications2020/07/014
Noninvasive Brain-Computer Interface: Decoding Arm Movement Kinematics and Motor Control2016/10/014
Toward EEG-Based Biometric Systems: The Great Potential of Brain-Wave-Based Biometrics2017/10/012
Ordered Weighted Averaging Operators: A Short Review2021/04/012
An Emerging Wearable World: New Gadgetry Produces a Rising Tide of Changes and Challenges2018/10/012
EEG Source Imaging of Movement Decoding: The State of the Art and Future Directions2018/04/012
An Enhanced Approach for Parameter Estimation: Using Immune Dynamic Learning Swarm Optimization Based on Multicore Architecture2016/01/012
Coclustering of Multidimensional Big Data: A Useful Tool for Genomic, Financial, and Other Data Analysis2017/04/012
The Internet of Things Meets Business Process Management: A Manifesto2020/10/012
A Hydrogen-Based Integrated Energy and Transport System: The Design and Analysis of the Car as Power Plant Concept2019/01/012
CreativeBioMan: A Brain- and Body-Wearable, Computing-Based, Creative Gaming System2020/01/012
Smart Sensing for Surgery: From Tethered Devices to Wearables and Implantables2020/07/012
Learning from Uncertainty for Big Data: Future Analytical Challenges and Strategies2016/04/011
New Social Signals in a New Interaction World: The Next Frontier for Social Signal Processing2015/04/011
On the History of Fuzzy Clustering: An Interview with Jim Bezdek and Enrique Ruspini [History]2015/01/011
Brain-Machine Interfaces: The Perception-Action Closed Loop: A Two-Learner System2015/01/011
Brain-Machine Interfaces: A Tale of Two Learners2020/07/011
Applying an MSVR Method to Forecast a Three-Degree-of-Freedom Soft Actuator for a Nonlinear Position Control System: Simulation and Experiments2022/07/011
Artificial Identification, Blockchain, Cyberphysical Social Systems, Digital Twins, and Parallel Intelligence: Opportunities and Synergies Between the IEEE Council on Radio-Frequency Identification and Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society [Essay]2021/04/011
Applications for Machine Learning [Editorial]2021/04/011
Artificial Intelligence for Dynamical Systems in Wireless Communications: Modeling for the Future2021/10/011
Trust in Autonomous Systems-iTrust Lab: Future Directions for Analysis of Trust With Autonomous Systems2019/07/011
Frontiers of Brain-Inspired Autonomous Systems: How Does Defense R&D Drive the Innovations?2022/04/011
Driver Drowsiness Detection: An Approach Based on Intelligent Brain–Computer Interfaces2022/01/011
A Gravitational Search Algorithm-Based Controller for Multiarea Power Systems: Conventional and Renewable Sources With Variable Load Disturbances and Perturbed System Parameters2021/07/011
Virtual Microgrid Management via Software-Defined Energy Network for Electricity Sharing: Benefits and Challenges2021/07/011
Visual Approaches for Exploratory Data Analysis: A Survey of the Visual Assessment of Clustering Tendency (VAT) Family of Algorithms2020/04/011
Role-Based Collaboration and E-CARGO: Revisiting the Developments of the Last Decade Role-based collaboration (RBC) is an emerging computational methodology that uses roles as the prim2015/07/011