IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine

Title Publication Date Language Citations
EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Novel Neurotechnology and Computational Intelligence Method2017/10/011
Toward the Future of Surgery: An Immersive, Virtual-Reality-Based Endoscopic Prototype2018/07/011
A Brief Tutorial and Survey on Markovian Jump Systems: Stability and Control2019/04/011
Observer-Based Attack Detection and Mitigation for Cyberphysical Systems: A Review2021/04/011
Reworking Multilabel Brain Tumor Segmentation: An Automated Framework Using Structured Kernel Sparse Representation2017/04/011
Seperating Touching Particles: A Concavity-Based Method Using the Area Ratio of a Circular Mask2018/04/011
A Game-Based Rehabilitation Therapy for Post-Stroke Patients: An Approach for Improving Patient Motivation and Engagement2020/10/011
Solving Relay Task Allocation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Solution Using Group Multirole Assignment2024/01/011
Table of Contents2024/01/01
DALBFog: Deadline-Aware and Load-Balanced Task Scheduling for the Internet of Things in Fog Computing2024/01/01
Flexible Skin Electrodes Based on Conductive Hydrogel for Hand Electromyography Sensing and Gesture Recognition: Exploring Conductivity and Mechanical Properties2024/01/01
Front Cover2024/01/01
Learning Variable Impedance Control for Robotic Massage With Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Novel Learning Framework2024/01/01
State-of-the-Art Elderly Service Robot: Environmental Perception, Compliance Control, Intention Recognition, and Research Challenges2024/01/01
Search Box System to Improve User Interaction in Knowledge Graph Searches: A Solution for Users Without Expert Skills2024/01/01
The Work and Career Path of Haibin Zhu [Profiles]2017/07/01
Table of Contents2023/10/01
IEEE Foundation2023/10/01
Saeid Nahavandi: Academic, Innovator, Technopreneur, and Thought Leader [Society News]2023/10/01
IEEE Connect2023/10/01
IEEE App2023/10/01
Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition Based on A-Mode Ultrasound Sensing: Proposing an Algorithm Based on the Long Short-Term Memory Framework2023/10/01
Distributed Minmax Strategy for Consensus Tracking in Differential Graphical Games: A Model-Free Approach2023/10/01
Identity Management in the Internet of Things: A Survey of the State of the Art2023/10/01
Cloud Control of Connected Vehicle Under Delayed Sensing Information: A Realization of Predictor–Observer Structured Controller2023/10/01
Artificial Intelligence for the Social Internet of Things: Analysis and Modeling Using Collaborative Technologies [Special Section Editorial]2023/10/01
2023 Index IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine Vol. 92023/10/01
IEEE Feedback2023/10/01