Performance Improvement Quarterly

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Job Performance in the Learning Organization: The Mediating Impacts of Self-Efficacy and Work Engagement2018/01/01English36
Judgment and Instructional Design: How ID Practitioners Work In Practice2015/10/01English35
Knowledge and Skills Needed by Instructional Designers in Higher Education2015/10/01English35
Examining Mediation Effects of Work Engagement Among Job Resources, Job Performance, and Turnover Intention2017/01/01English34
In the trainer's voice: A study of training transfer practices2009/01/01English34
Action Learning in a Nutshell2008/10/22English34
Overview of Transfer of Training: From Learning to Performance2008/10/22English32
Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment in Teams: The Mediating Roles of Shared Vision and Team-Goal Commitment2017/07/01English32
Measuring team shared understanding using the analysis-constructed shared mental model methodology2008/01/01English31
Technical Training Evaluation Practices in the United States2008/10/22English31
The Influence of Motivation to Transfer, Action Planning, and Manager Support on the Transfer Process2008/10/22English31
Manager Coaching Skills: Development and Application2008/10/22English30
Cognitive Analysis of Expert and Novice Troubleshooting Performance2008/10/22English30
The effects of team training on team outcomes: A meta-analysis2010/01/01English29
How much is transferred from training to the job? The 10% delusion as a catalyst for thinking about transfer2011/01/01English29
Job Performance Analysis: Scientific Studies in the Main Journals of Management and Psychology from 2006 to 20152018/01/01English28
Impact of guidance on the problem-solving efforts of instructional design novices2009/01/01English28
Context-Sensitive Instructional Design Models: A Response to Design Research, Studies, and Criticism2008/10/22English27
Teaching Instructional Design: An Apprenticeship Model2008/10/22English27
The concept of employee engagement: a comprehensive review from a positive organizational behavior perspective2011/01/01English27
Transfer Over Time: Stories About Transfer Years After Training2013/01/01English26
Key Competencies Required of Performance Improvement Professionals2008/10/22English26
The relationship between shared mental models and task performance in an online team-based learning environment2008/01/01English26
Human Behavior Based Exploratory Model for Successful Implementation of Lean Enterprise in Industry2008/10/22English25
A Comparison of the Effects of Fluency Training and Accuracy Training on Application and Retention2008/10/22English25
Antecedents and Consequences of Coaching Behavior2008/10/22English24
Empirical Research on Performance Improvement2008/10/22English24
Andragogy in Practice: Clarifying the Andragogical Model of Adult Learning2008/10/22English24
Teaching Instructional Design: An Action Learning Approach2008/10/22English23
The Present and Future of ID Practice2008/10/22English23