Economic Implications of the Corona Crisis and Economic Policy Measures | 2020/04/01 | English | 27 |
The German energy transition from the perspective of social justice | 2014/07/01 | German | 26 |
Arbeitsvermittlung zwischen Zentralisierung, Kommunalisierung und Privatisierung | 2005/09/01 | German | 24 |
Virtuelles Wasser — Chancen und Probleme eines Wasserfußabdrucks | 2011/08/01 | German | 21 |
Verbesserte Institutionen für den Arbeitsmarkt in der Wirtschaftskrise | 2010/11/01 | German | 18 |
Die Riester-Förderung — Mangelnde Information als Verbreitungshemmnis | 2011/11/01 | German | 16 |
Healthcare — Between Privacy and State-of-the-Art Medical Technology | 2017/10/01 | German | 14 |
The Gender Pay Gap in Germany: Magnitude, Decomposition and Interpretation | 2015/04/01 | German | 14 |
German Wage Inequality – Is There a Trend Reversal? | 2016/03/01 | German | 13 |
Debt Brake — Investment Barrier or Role Model for Europe? | 2019/05/01 | German | 12 |
Positive Effects of the German Minimum Wage on Job Quality and Employee Job Satisfaction | 2017/06/01 | German | 12 |
Distributional Effects of the Renewable Energy Act | 2012/08/01 | German | 12 |
What Influence Do Researchers Have in the Media and in Economic Policy? | 2015/01/01 | German | 10 |
The corona crisis meets the structural healthcare problems | 2020/04/01 | German | 10 |
Perception of Inequality and Reality: An International Comparison | 2016/03/01 | German | 10 |
The Sharing Economy — Sustainable and Innovative? | 2015/02/01 | German | 9 |
Die Bundesbestimmtheit der Länderausgaben | 2008/05/01 | German | 9 |
Hartz IV — Reform of a Controversial Political Measure | 2019/04/01 | German | 9 |
Zur Wirkung regulatorischer Preiseingriffe auf dem Tankstellenmarkt | 2012/01/01 | German | 9 |
German Automotive Industry and Autonomous Driving | 2016/10/01 | German | 8 |
Die Schuldenbremse nach der Corona-Krise | 2020/10/01 | German | 8 |
Global Value Chains, the Rise of the Robots and Human Capital | 2018/04/01 | English | 8 |
Kapitalprivatisierung der Deutschen Bahn AG | 2006/08/01 | German | 8 |
Welchen Umfang haben Schattenwirtschaft und Schwarzarbeit? | 2006/03/01 | German | 8 |
Lohneinbußen von Frauen durch geburtsbedingte Erwerbsunterbrechungen | 2010/10/01 | German | 8 |
Elektromobilität braucht intelligente Förderung | 2012/04/01 | German | 8 |
Digitisation and the Future of Work | 2020/04/01 | German | 8 |
The Platform Economy: New Competition Rules — Renaissance of Antitrust Control of the Abuse of Market Power | 2020/04/01 | German | 8 |
The New Economics of Nature: Criticism and Countercriticism | 2015/04/01 | German | 8 |
Von der Rente als Zuschuss zum Lebensunterhalt zur „Zuschuss-Rente“ | 2012/05/01 | German | 8 |