
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Economic policy advice: Does the advice of economists reach politics and the public?2014/03/01German7
Municipal Finances in the Corona Crisis: Effects and Reactions2020/05/01German7
Handwerksordnung: ökonomische Effekte der Deregulierung von 20042018/05/01German7
Is there a real estate bubble in Germany?2013/08/01German7
Bitcoins, Blockchain, and Distributed Ledgers2017/02/01German7
Is the Financing of German Health and Long-Term Care Insurance Sustainable?2020/08/01German7
Deregulation of intercity coach traffic in Germany: Political discussion and current issues2012/08/01German7
The German electricity market in Upheavel: On the necessity of a new market design2013/10/01German7
Neue Armut im Alter2009/04/01German7
Income Distribution and the Macro Economy in Germany – Importance of Top Incomes2015/10/01German7
Big Data from a Competitive Perspective2016/09/01German7
Eurokrise: Keine Staatsschuldenkrise, sondern Folge der Finanzkrise2011/12/01German7
Frauen sind in Spitzengremien der Wirtschaft unterrepräsentiert2010/10/01German6
Integration der erneuerbaren Energien in das Stromversorgungssystem2010/10/01German6
Remunicipalisation: Renaissance of Public Enterprises?2013/02/01German6
Corona Crisis: Transformative Recession2020/06/01German6
Das neuartige Virus trifft auf die alten Verteilungsmechanismen: Warum die COVID-19-Pandemie zu mehr sozialer Ungleichheit führt2021/01/01German6
Potential Green Hydrogen: Long Road to Development, Short Time to Implementation2021/01/01German6
Glück — Die Sicht der Ökonomie2010/07/01German6
Industry 4.0 – Impact on Economy and Labour Market2015/11/01German6
Industrial Policy — Inefficient State Intervention or Forward-looking Option?2019/02/01German6
European Football: The Superleague from an Economic Point of View2019/02/01German6
Auf ein Neues: Reform der Pflegeversicherung2011/10/01German6
Overeducation among the employed in East and West Germany2014/01/01German6
Narratives Matter! What Happens if Expected Rates of Return are Defined as Cost of Capital?2018/12/01English6
The German Federal Constitutional Court and the ECB’s crisis policy — Statements of the economists2013/07/01German6
Migration into Germany — a problem or an opportunity for the labour market?2014/03/01German6
Härtere Verschuldungsregeln für die Bundesländer?2006/09/01German5
Gesamtwirtschaftliche Wirkungen der Haushaltspolitik des Koalitionsvertrages2006/01/01German5
Das Schwarzarbeit-Änigma2005/11/01German5