Contemporary School Psychology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Intervening to Decrease Teacher Stress: a Review of Current Research and New Directions2020/05/05English12
The Utility of Universal Screening to Guide School-Based Prevention Initiatives: Comparison of Office Discipline Referrals to Standardized Emotional and Behavioral Risk Screening2018/02/09English12
Confronting the Base Rate Problem: More Ups and Downs for Cognitive Scatter Analysis2017/12/07English11
Beyond PISA: Schools as Contexts for the Promotion of Children’s Mental Health and Well-Being2015/07/10English11
Knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among School Psychology Graduate Students2020/01/13English11
Suicide Risk Monitoring: the Missing Piece in Suicide Risk Assessment2017/11/20English11
Measuring Teacher Practices to Inform Student Achievement in High Poverty Schools: a Predictive Validity Study2018/07/02English11
Discriminant Validity of the WISC-IV Culture-Language Interpretive Matrix2014/06/21English11
Social Forces, Social Justice, and School Attendance Problems in Youth2022/07/30English10
Rules, Requirements, and Resources for School-Based Threat Assessment: a Fifty State Analysis2017/10/18English10
Gated Screening Frameworks for Academic Concerns: the Influence of Redundant Information on Diagnostic Accuracy Outcomes2018/03/06English10
ADHD and Comorbid Developmental Coordination Disorder: Implications and Recommendations for School Psychologists2017/02/13English10
How Can General Intelligence Composites Most Accurately Index Psychometric g and What Might Be Good Enough?2019/05/03English10
School Bullying, Perpetration, and Cyberhate: Overlapping Issues2020/09/04English10
The State of Cognitive Assessment Training in School Psychology: an Analysis of Syllabi2020/07/13English10
Evaluating the Use of RTI to Identify SLD: A Survey of State Policy, Procedures, Data Collection, and Administrator Perceptions2015/12/08English10
Using Cultural Assets to Enhance Assessment of Latino Students2014/11/12English10
Introduction to Special Issue: Culturally Responsive School-Based Mental Health Interventions2017/07/05English10
Culturally Responsive Wraparound Supports: Collaborating with Families to Promote Students’ Behavior Regulation Across Settings2016/12/27English10
Social Media Use Among Adolescents Coping with Mental Health2017/11/16English9
Models and Frameworks for Culturally Responsive Adaptations of Interventions2016/12/09English9
Rethinking College: Roles for School Psychologists in Transition Planning for Students with Intellectual Disability2016/11/10English9
Strengths-Based Positive Schooling Interventions: a Scoping Review2019/10/16English9
Identification of Social Anxiety in Schools: the Utility of a Two-Step Screening Process2015/05/28English9
A Multi-method Inquiry of the Practice and Context of Rural School Psychology2016/11/18English9
Cultivating Mindfulness with Third Grade Students via Classroom-Based Interventions2017/08/17English9
Progress or Setback: Revisiting the Current State of Assessment Practices of Black Children2020/08/04English9
A Multilevel Framework for Increasing Social Support in Schools2015/04/02English9
Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Representation in School Psychology Intervention Research2014/07/25English9
Special Education Policy and Response to Intervention: Identifying Promises and Pitfalls to Advance Social Justice for Diverse Students2015/11/06English9