Contemporary School Psychology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Life Satisfaction Mediates the Association Between Mental Health Risk and Perceptions of School Functioning Among Children and Adolescents2019/09/03English9
Culturally Responsive Adaptations in Evidence-Based Treatment: the Impact on Client Satisfaction2016/12/19English9
Professional Development to Increase Problem-solving Skills in a Response to Intervention Framework2014/01/24English8
Will the Real Theoretical Structure of the WISC-V Please Stand Up? Implications for Clinical Interpretation2021/04/08English8
The Effects of a Mindfulness and Biofeedback Program on the On- and Off-Task Behaviors of Students with Emotional Behavioral Disorders2017/07/21English8
Teachers’ Judgments of the Academic Achievement of Children With and Without Characteristics of Inattention, Impulsivity, and Hyperactivity2015/10/15English8
Collaborating with Refugee Families to Increase Early Literacy Opportunities: a Pilot Investigation2015/11/03English8
Effects of a Mindful Breathing Exercise During Reading Fluency Intervention for Students with Attentional Difficulties2017/05/15English8
Language Skills as Predictors of Social Skills and Behaviors in Preschool Children2020/04/10English8
Examining Incremental Rehearsal: Multiplication Fluency with Fifth-Grade Students with Math IEP Goals2018/03/21English8
Factor Structure of the CHC Model for the KABC-II: Exploratory Factor Analyses with the 16 Core and Supplementary Subtests2017/08/31English8
School Psychology as a Relational Enterprise: the Role and Process of Qualitative Methodology2016/04/04English8
Understanding Factors Affecting Positive Education in Practice: an Australian Case Study2019/02/19English8
Perceptions of School Psychologists Regarding Barriers to Response to Intervention (RTI) Implementation2014/01/07English8
A Multisite Study of the Effect of Fidget Spinners on Academic Performance2020/06/17English8
A Consultation Approach to Target Exclusionary Discipline of Students of Color in Early Childhood Education2019/10/11English8
Teachers and Mindful Colouring to Tackle Burnout and Increase Mindfulness, Resiliency and Wellbeing2020/05/22English8
Data Collection and Analysis in Response-to-Intervention: a Survey of School Psychologists2020/03/25English8
Targeting Vulnerabilities to Risky Behavior: an Intervention for Promoting Adaptive Emotion Regulation in Adolescents2015/07/11English8
Bilingual School Psychology: Challenges and Opportunities2014/09/27English8
Low-Income Hispanic and Latino High School Students’ Perceptions of Parent and Peer Academic Support2014/10/17English7
Training Experience in the US School Psychology Program: Understanding Asian International Students’ Assets, Challenges, and Coping2020/09/10English7
Pseudoscience, an Emerging Field, or Just a Framework Without Outcomes? A Bibliometric Analysis and Case Study Presentation of Social Justice Research2020/09/08English7
Emotional Labor and the Work of School Psychologists2017/02/10English7
The Nature of Parental Involvement in Middle School: Examining Nonlinear Associations2015/09/08English7
Video Self-modeling as a Reading Fluency Intervention for Dual Language Learners with Disabilities2018/10/03English7
The School Psychology Shortage and its Impact on Family-Based Programming2021/01/25English7
Depressive Symptoms in Mexican-Origin Adolescents: Interrelations Between School and Family Contexts2017/08/08English7
Working Memory and School Readiness in Preschoolers2017/07/24English7
Monitoring Social Media and Technology Use to Prevent Youth Suicide and School Violence2020/02/19English7