The evolution of indirect reciprocity | 1989/09/01 | English | 228 |
Triadic closure in two-mode networks: Redefining the global and local clustering coefficients | 2013/05/01 | English | 222 |
Perspective-taking and memory capacity predict social network size | 2007/01/01 | English | 221 |
Exploring variation in active network size: Constraints and ego characteristics | 2009/05/01 | English | 219 |
Psychological predispositions and network structure: The relationship between individual predispositions, structural holes and network closure | 2006/01/01 | English | 215 |
Eccentricity and centrality in networks | 1995/01/01 | English | 214 |
The structure of online social networks mirrors those in the offline world | 2015/10/01 | English | 205 |
Closure, connectivity and degree distributions: Exponential random graph (p*) models for directed social networks | 2009/05/01 | English | 193 |
Exponential random graph models for multilevel networks | 2013/01/01 | English | 186 |
Graph and semigroup homomorphisms on networks of relations | 1983/06/01 | English | 185 |
Obesity-related behaviors in adolescent friendship networks | 2010/07/01 | English | 179 |
Advances in exponential random graph (p*) models applied to a large social network | 2007/05/01 | English | 178 |
How to search a social network | 2005/07/01 | English | 178 |
Are respondents more likely to list alters with certain characteristics? | 2004/10/01 | English | 172 |
Network structure and team performance: The case of English Premier League soccer teams | 2012/10/01 | English | 166 |
Informant accuracy in social network data IV: a comparison of clique-level structure in behavioral and cognitive network data | 1979/01/01 | English | 166 |
Legislative cosponsorship networks in the US House and Senate | 2006/10/01 | English | 164 |
A model for the multiplex dynamics of two-mode and one-mode networks, with an application to employment preference, friendship, and advice | 2013/05/01 | English | 162 |
What do we mean by ‘friend’? an inductive study | 1982/01/01 | English | 159 |
Treatment of non-response in longitudinal network studies | 2008/10/01 | English | 159 |
Are personal communities local? A Dumptarian reconsideration | 1996/10/01 | English | 157 |
The efficiency/security trade-off in criminal networks | 2007/01/01 | English | 152 |
Longitudinal analysis of personal networks. The case of Argentinean migrants in Spain | 2010/01/01 | English | 148 |
A partitioning approach to structural balance | 1996/04/01 | English | 147 |
What's in the “old boys” network? Accessing social capital in gendered and racialized networks | 2011/10/01 | English | 146 |
Structure and time evolution of an Internet dating community | 2004/05/01 | English | 145 |
Who are the objects of positive and negative gossip at work? | 2012/05/01 | English | 143 |
The strength of family ties: A meta-analysis and meta-regression of self-reported social support and mortality | 2013/10/01 | English | 142 |
Betweenness centrality measures for directed graphs | 1994/10/01 | English | 142 |
Dynamics of adolescent friendship networks and smoking behavior | 2010/01/01 | English | 140 |