Social Networks

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Walk-Independence Probabilities and WIP Centrality: A new heuristic for diffusion probabilities in networksEnglish
The sign of affection1999/07/01English
Towards a general method to classify personal network structuresEnglish
Contingent bridge supervision: New evidence and cautions for network theoryEnglish
Network portfolio diversity and social innovation: An egocentric approach to cross-sector partnershipsEnglish
Homophily and the evolution of cooperation in the Volunteer’s Dilemma: A computational study on dynamic graphsEnglish
Predictors of romantic partner nomination reciprocity in adolescent social networks2024/01/01English
Improving ERGM starting values using simulated annealing2024/01/01English
The role of sociopolitical workplace networks in involuntary employee turnover2024/01/01English
Not all friends are created equal: Friendship ties across different social contexts in South KoreaEnglish
Assessing the dynamics of PrEP adoption in a national-scale physician networkEnglish
Proximity and threats in highland ponies1998/07/01English
Centrality measures for disease transmission networks1999/01/01English
Editorial Board2024/05/01English
Another view of the “small world”2002/05/01English
Editorial Board2023/05/01English
Uses and limitations of dichotomous aggregate relational data2023/07/01English
Broken ties: reciprocity and other factors affecting the termination of older adults' relationships1999/04/01English
Author Index, Volume 23, 20012001/10/01English
Social relations in a chronic care hospital: a whole network study of patients, family and employees1998/04/01English
Contents, Volume 23, 20012001/10/01English
Erratum to “Forgetting in the recall-based elicitation of personal and social networks”2000/10/01English
Two-mode relational similarities2024/01/01English
A network centrality bias: Central individuals in workplace networks have more supportive coworkers2023/05/01English
Socio-economic segregation in a population-scale social networkEnglish
Controlling for size in centrality scores1998/04/01English
How does socioeconomic homophily emerge? Testing for the contribution of different processes to socioeconomic segregation in adolescent friendships2024/01/01English
From attitudes to social networks: National gender-role attitudes and gender differences in late-life social relationships2024/01/01English
Causal inference on networks under continuous treatment interference2024/01/01English