Social Networks

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Editorial Board2020/05/01English
Editorial Board2019/07/01English
Editorial Board2019/05/01English
Does the β-measure make empirical sense? A vignette experiment on humans’ judgment of social dominance2020/07/01English
Editorial Board2020/01/01English
Editorial Board2018/10/01English
Clouding climate science: A comparative network and text analysis of consensus and anti-consensus scientists2023/10/01English
Editorial Board2023/01/01English
Configuration to conviction: Network structures of political judiciary in the Austrian Corporate State2021/07/01English
Editorial Board2021/01/01English
Editorial Board2021/10/01English
How interrank contacts benefit masters in a Buddhist monastery: Comparing the effects of ascribed Dharma titles and perceived status2023/01/01English
Editorial Board2022/10/01English
Editorial Board2022/05/01English
Estimating peer political influence with large N observational data on ego-centered social networks2022/07/01English
Reprint of: Trust, quality, and the network collection experience: A tale of two studies on the Democratic Republic of the Congo2022/05/01English
Editorial Board2013/07/01English
Editorial Board2013/01/01English
Editorial Board2010/10/01English
Editorial Board2012/07/01English
Editorial Board / Publication Information2015/01/01English
Editorial Board2012/01/01English
Editorial Board2011/10/01English
Editorial Board / Publication Information2015/10/01English
Editorial Board/Publication Information2003/10/01English
Author Index,Volume 25,20032003/10/01English
Index Title Page/Contents of Volume 25,20032003/10/01English
Editorial Board2007/01/01English
Acknowledgement of Reviewers2007/01/01English