
Title Publication Date Language Citations
An examination of sample length and reliability of the Interactional Network Tool, a new measure of group interactions in acquired brain injury2022/09/04English
Improved comprehension of irony and indirect requests following a severe traumatic brain injury: two case studies2023/11/16English
Group intervention for acquired writing disorders in aphasia2023/04/03English
The role of sound and spelling in auditory word recognition: Further evidence from brain-damaged patients2000/10/01English
Correlation among demographic estimates of intellectual abilities, performance IQ scores, and verbal IQ scores in non-braindamaged and aphasic adults2000/11/01English
“Difficult but Good”: enjoying accessible digital creativity2023/01/23English
The 15-item version of the Boston Naming Test in Italian: normative data for adults2021/10/13English
Premorbid language function: a prognostic factor for functional outcome in aphasia?2021/09/20English
The 51st Clinical Aphasiology Conference2021/09/22English
Aphasia and labour inclusion: therapy, biopower, and encuentros2021/08/13English
Associations between stroke severity, aphasia severity, lesion location, and lesion size in acute stroke, and aphasia severity one year post stroke2021/12/15English
Primary Progressive Aphasia and Other Frontotemporal Dementias: Diagnosis and Treatment of Associated Communication Disorders2020/05/12English
Characteristics of Thai Agrammatic speech2021/07/16English
Interfered-Naming Therapy for Aphasia (INTA): behavioural and computational effects of a novel linguistic-executive approach2021/11/07English
Treatment Integrity and Differentiation in the Very Early Rehabilitation in SpEech (VERSE) trial2021/10/29English
Morphosemantic treatment of inflection of verb tense in Persian-speaking aphasic patients with agrammatism: a single-subject study2021/12/01English
Novel matched stimuli for assessment of lexical semantics2021/06/24English
Resumption in the production of focused constructions in Akan speakers with agrammatism2019/11/06English
Aphasia elicited by electrical stimulation of the right anterior corpus callosum2018/09/17English
Communicative efficiency and executive function in normally aging and older adults with a mild acquired brain injury2018/07/26English
Increased connectivity following intensive reading and language treatment for mild, chronic aphasia2018/07/26English
Blinding participants and assessors in a feasibility randomised controlled trial of peer-befriending for people with aphasia post-stroke2018/07/26English
Implementing a tailored behaviour change intervention to improve speech pathologists’ aphasia practices: results of a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial2018/07/26English
The person with aphasia as text – a field trip in the archive2018/07/26English
Autobiographical memory in aphasia: an exploratory study2018/07/26English
Comparison choice bias and trials of speech and language therapy for aphasia – some methodological considerations2018/07/26English
Processing of the English verb particle construction in adults with aphasia2018/07/26English
First simple makes last complex. Construct-irrelevant variance effects in the test of grammatical comprehension TROG-22018/07/26English
Memory limitations after stroke and stroke-related aphasia: evidence from a systematic review of patient-reported memory measures2018/07/26English
Does constraint-induced aphasia therapy or multimodal aphasia therapy lead to better outcomes for people with chronic post-stroke aphasia? A review of latest evidence and rationale for the COMPARE clinical trial2018/07/26English