International Journal of Dynamics and Control

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A novel model of dipteran flight mechanism2013/03/01English28
Hybrid function projective synchronization of chaotic systems via adaptive control2016/07/11English27
A mean-field maximum principle for optimal control of forward–backward stochastic differential equations with Poisson jump processes2013/09/10English27
Analysis of a drinking epidemic model2015/01/28English26
Dynamic analysis of a novel jerk system with composite tanh-cubic nonlinearity: chaos, multi-scroll, and multiple coexisting attractors2018/05/28English26
Multistability and hidden chaotic attractors in a new simple 4-D chaotic system with chaotic 2-torus behaviour2017/05/20English25
An optimal control problem for a spatiotemporal SIR model2016/11/19English25
Modelling the role of optimal social distancing on disease prevalence of COVID-19 epidemic2020/11/09English25
Stability analysis of milling with irregular pitch tools by the implicit subspace iteration method2014/01/15English24
Multistability and chaotic dynamics of a simple Jerk system with a smoothly tuneable symmetry and nonlinearity2018/07/23English24
Review on vibration control in tall buildings: from the perspective of devices and applications2020/12/03English24
Analytical solutions for periodic motions to chaos in nonlinear systems with/without time-delay2013/09/30English23
Coexistence of hidden attractors, 2-torus and 3-torus in a new simple 4-D chaotic system with hyperbolic cosine nonlinearity2018/01/08English23
Robust autonomous flight for quadrotor UAV based on adaptive nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode control2020/08/09English23
Autonomous Van der Pol–Duffing snap oscillator: analysis, synchronization and applications to real-time image encryption2017/11/17English23
Symmetries and conserved quantities of constrained mechanical systems2013/12/10English23
Optimal PID plus second-order derivative controller design for AVR system using a modified Runge Kutta optimizer and Bode’s ideal reference model2022/10/02English22
Synchronization on the adaptive sliding mode controller for fractional order complex chaotic systems with uncertainty and disturbances2019/10/09English22
Stability analysis and optimal control of avian influenza virus A with time delays2017/11/30English22
Dynamical analysis of a novel 4-neurons based Hopfield neural network: emergences of antimonotonicity and coexistence of multiple stable states2019/01/14English22
Numerical simulation for fractional delay differential equations2020/07/27English22
Dynamical analysis of a novel single Opamp-based autonomous LC oscillator: antimonotonicity, chaos, and multiple attractors2018/03/20English22
Modelling and simulation of active and passive seat suspensions for vibration attenuation of vehicle occupants2021/03/23English21
Remerging Feigenbaum trees, and multiple coexisting bifurcations in a novel hybrid diode-based hyperjerk circuit with offset boosting2018/05/17English21
Synchronization of fractional-order hyper-chaotic systems based on a new adaptive sliding mode control2015/05/21English21
A review on control and maneuvering of cooperative fixed-wing drones2020/11/03English20
Analysis of prey-predator three species models with vertebral and invertebral predators2015/03/04English20
Analytical solutions for period-m motions in a periodically forced van der Pol oscillator2013/05/09English20
Deep learning-based cross-sensor domain adaptation for fault diagnosis of electro-mechanical actuators2020/07/31English20
Synchronization of uncertain fractional-order hyper-chaotic systems via a novel adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy active sliding mode controller2015/09/22English20