International Journal of Dynamics and Control

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Statistical solution to SDEs with $$\alpha $$-stable Lévy noise via deep neural network2020/09/10English20
Influence of dispersal and strong Allee effect on a two-patch predator–prey model2018/11/12English20
Bifurcation analysis of predator–prey model with time delay and harvesting efforts using interval parameter2014/03/26English19
A comparative study of high performance robust PID controller for grid voltage control of islanded microgrid2017/11/03English19
Analysis and hyper-chaos control of a new 4-D hyper-chaotic system by using optimal and adaptive control design2016/08/02English19
Hyper-chaotic analysis and adaptive multi-switching synchronization of a novel asymmetric non-linear dynamical system2016/10/12English19
Analysis of a two prey one predator system with disease in the first prey population2014/05/27English19
Recent trends in bio-inspired meta-heuristic optimization techniques in control applications for electrical systems: a review2022/01/04English19
Response localization in micro-scale oscillator arrays: influence of cubic coupling nonlinearities2014/11/25English18
Fractional derivatives and periodic functions2015/11/03English18
Vibration reduction of a non-linear ship model using positive position feedback controllers2021/06/16English18
Smith predictor based fractional-order control design for time-delay integer-order systems2017/02/18English18
Experimental and numerical dynamic response of a SDOF vibro-impact system with double gaps and bumpers under harmonic excitation2019/04/12English18
Passenger seat vibration control of a semi-active quarter car system with hybrid Fuzzy–PID approach2015/05/07English18
A novel fractional adaptive active sliding mode controller for synchronization of non-identical chaotic systems with disturbance and uncertainty2015/04/02English17
On mean-field stochastic maximum principle for near-optimal controls for Poisson jump diffusion with applications2013/12/03English17
A new intelligent adaptation mechanism of MRAS based on a genetic algorithm applied to speed sensorless direct torque control for induction motor2022/04/23English17
Novel SMC control design for path following of autonomous vehicles with uncertainties and mismatched disturbances2018/12/03English17
Global qualitative analysis of a phytoplankton–zooplankton model in the presence of toxicity2016/02/08English17
Emergence of complex dynamical behaviors in improved Colpitts oscillators: antimonotonicity, coexisting attractors, and metastable chaos2016/01/20English17
Measure of chaos and adaptive synchronization of chaotic satellite systems2018/09/25English17
Synchronization between fractional order complex chaotic systems2016/01/29English17
Routes of periodic motions to chaos in a periodically forced pendulum2016/06/06English17
Controllability, observability and fractional linear-quadratic problem for fractional linear systems with conformable fractional derivatives and some applications2022/06/09English16
BCG immunotherapy optimization on an isoperimetric optimal control problem for the treatment of superficial bladder cancer2014/06/05English16
Nonlinear stability analysis of a composite laminated piezoelectric rectangular plate with multi-parametric and external excitations2014/01/21English16
Stationary patterns induced by self- and cross-diffusion in a Beddington–DeAngelis predator–prey model2016/11/07English16
Extremely rich dynamical behaviors in a simple nonautonomous Jerk system with generalized nonlinearity : hyperchaos, intermittency, offset-boosting and multistability2019/03/20English16
Random vibration analysis with radial basis function neural networks2021/12/06English16
Finite time control scheme for robot manipulators using fast terminal sliding mode control and RBFNN2018/09/17English15