International Journal of Dynamics and Control

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Dynamics of cholera outbreak with bacteriophage and periodic rate of contact2015/07/08English13
On the control of a reaction–diffusion system: a class of SIR distributed parameter systems2019/06/04English13
Global dynamics of a prey-predator model with Allee effect and additional food for the predators2016/02/27English13
A survey: fuzzify parameters and membership function in electrical applications2020/04/22English13
Exact stability test of neutral delay differential equations via a rough estimation of the testing integral2013/12/10English13
Adaptive neural network based dynamic surface control for uncertain dual arm robots2019/12/06English13
Mathematical modelling of TB with the effects of case detection and treatment2013/07/05English13
Adaptive sliding mode vibrations control for civil engineering earthquake excited structures2019/06/26English13
Advanced non-linear backstepping control design for variable speed wind turbine power maximization based on tip-speed-ratio approach during partial load operation2019/07/22English13
Synchronization of unified chaotic systems via adaptive nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode control2018/10/25English13
Fractional model of magnetic field penetration into a toroidal soft ferromagnetic sample2017/01/25English13
Modeling and control of passenger body vibrations in active quarter car system: a hybrid ANFIS PID approach2018/02/17English13
Adaptive fuzzy exponential terminal sliding mode controller design for nonlinear trajectory tracking control of autonomous underwater vehicle2018/01/11English13
Effects of dispersal speed and strong Allee effect on stability of a two-patch predator–prey model2018/02/13English13
Robust fast finite-time sliding mode control for industrial robot manipulators2018/09/11English13
Neural network-based PID compensation for nonlinear systems: ball-on-plate example2018/09/11English13
Singular mean-field optimal control for forward-backward stochastic systems and applications to finance2014/03/25English13
Modal and whirling analysis of coupled lateral and torsional vibration of herringbone gear2013/12/10English13
Design of unknown input observer for nonlinear systems with time-varying delays2014/05/14English13
When behaviour turns contagious: the use of deterministic epidemiological models in modeling social contagion phenomena2016/09/28English12
Fuzzy type-2 fractional Backstepping blood glucose control based on sliding mode observer2018/06/05English12
Combination synchronization of Genesio time delay chaotic system via robust adaptive sliding mode control2017/05/29English12
Prediction of stability limit for multi-regenerative chatter in high performance milling2014/01/18English12
Rich dynamics of non-toxic phytoplankton, toxic phytoplankton and zooplankton system with multiple gestation delays2018/12/17English12
Interaction among toxic phytoplankton with viral infection and zooplankton in presence of multiple time delays2020/06/19English12
Vibration frequency analysis of an electrically-actuated microbeam resonator accounting for thermoelastic coupling effects2014/10/07English12
Analytical modeling of a 3-D snake robot based on sidewinding locomotion2018/05/30English12
Adaptive fractional order fast terminal dynamic sliding mode controller design for antilock braking system (ABS)2018/06/28English12
Nonlinear H-infinity control for underactuated systems: the Furuta pendulum example2017/08/17English12
Design and control of an ergonomic robotic shoulder for wearable exoskeleton robot for rehabilitation2019/05/25English12