International Journal of Dynamics and Control

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Combination–combination phase synchronization among non-identical fractional order complex chaotic systems via nonlinear control2018/05/10English12
Dynamics modeling and advanced metaheuristics based LQG controller design for a Quad Tilt Wing UAV2017/04/20English12
A review of flow control methods2021/01/04English12
Optimal response of half car vehicle model with sky-hook damper based on LQR control2019/11/02English12
Intelligent controller for hybrid force and position control of robot manipulators using RBF neural network2018/10/27English12
Friction modeling in servo machines: a review2017/10/10English12
Complex dynamics of an epidemic model with vaccination and treatment controls2015/06/23English12
Model order reduction of discrete-time interval system based on Mikhailov stability criterion2018/02/10English11
Modeling and optimal control analysis of Zika virus with media impact2018/03/13English11
Stabilization of a large flexible spacecraft using robust adaptive sliding hypersurface and finite element approach2019/09/28English11
Effect of phase-lags on the transient waves in an axisymmetric functionally graded viscothermoelastic spherical cavity in radial direction2020/06/22English11
Robust finite-time sliding mode synchronization of fractional-order hyper-chaotic systems based on adaptive neural network and disturbances observer2020/06/23English11
Fractional order [PI], [PD] and [PI][PD] controller design using Bode’s integrals2017/01/06English11
Identification of nonlinear dynamical systems with time delay2021/04/01English11
Analytical periodic motions and bifurcations in a nonlinear rotor system2014/02/09English11
Period-m motions and bifurcation trees in a periodically forced, van der Pol-Duffing oscillator2014/01/29English11
On detectability and observer design for rectangular linear descriptor systems2015/01/15English11
Fuzzy control of passenger ride performance using MR shock absorber suspension in quarter car model2014/10/15English11
Using the extended Melnikov method to study multi-pulse chaotic motions of a rectangular thin plate2013/11/09English11
Pseudospectral methods for stability analysis of delayed dynamical systems2013/11/28English11
Disease control through provision of alternative food to predator: a model based study2014/05/27English11
A review of vehicle system dynamics in the development of high-speed trains in China2013/03/01English11
Optimal control of a delayed hepatitis B viral infection model with cytotoxic T-lymphocyte and antibody responses2016/02/05English11
Viscous potential flow analysis of magnetohydrodynamic Rayleigh–Taylor instability with heat and mass transfer2013/12/19English11
Delayed-feedback control: arbitrary and distributed delay-time and noninvasive control of synchrony in networks with heterogeneous delays2014/01/04English11
Single input sliding mode control for hyperchaotic Lu system with parameter uncertainty2015/05/16English11
Adaptive hybrid complex projective combination–combination synchronization in non-identical hyperchaotic complex systems2019/10/04English10
A robust input shaper for trajectory control of overhead cranes with non-zero initial states2020/05/05English10
Peristaltic transport of Herschel–Bulkley fluids in tubes of variable cross section induced by dilating peristaltic waves: application to sliding hiatus hernia2018/07/16English10
A perturbation approach for the identification of uncertain structures2015/04/28English10