
Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Archaeology of the United Monarchy: an Alternative View1996/01/01English89
Iron Age Chronology: A Reply to I. Finkelstein1997/01/01English66
Prehistoric Environment and Settlement in the Azraq Basin: an Interim Report on the 1987 and 1988 Excavation Seasons1994/01/01English40
Climate, settlement patterns and olive horticulture in the southern Levant during the Early Bronze and Intermediate Bronze Ages (c.3600–1950 BC)2016/05/03English38
Tell ES-SA ‘idiyeh: Preliminary Report on the First Three Seasons of Renewed Excavations1988/01/01English33
Environment and Land Use in the Wadi Faynan, Southern Jordan: the Second Season of Geoarchaeology and Landscape Archaeology (1997)1998/01/01English32
Early Holocene Ground Stone Assemblages in the Levant1993/01/01English31
The Wadi Faynan Project, Southern Jordan: a Preliminary Report on Geomorphology and Landscape Archaeology1997/01/01English31
Environment and Land Use in the Wadi Faynan, Southern Jordan: the Third Season of Geoarchaeology and Landscape Archaeology (1998)1999/01/01English31
Neolithic Dispersals from the Levantine Corridor: a Mediterranean Perspective2001/01/01English30
The Intermediate Early Bronze-Middle Bronze Age: An Interpretation of the Evidence from Transjordan, Syria and Lebanon1974/01/01English30
Excavations at Tel Jezreel 1992–1993: Second Preliminary Report1994/01/01English29
Bible Archaeology or Archaeology of Palestine in the Iron Age? A Rejoinder1998/01/01English29
The Beginnings and the Development of Early Metallurgy and the Settlement and Chronology of the Western Arabah, from the Chalcolithic Period to Early Bronze Age IV1992/01/01English28
The Iron I-IIA in the Highlands and Beyond:14C Anchors, Pottery Phases and The Shoshenq I Campaign2006/06/01English28
Final Results of an Analysis of the Sheep and Goat Bones from Ain Ghazal, Jordan2002/01/01English28
Tin, Arsenic, Lead: Alloying Practices in Syria-Palestine around 2000 B.C.1991/01/01English26
‘Following the plough’: the Agricultural Environment of Northern Jordan1998/01/01English26
Preliminary Report on a First Season of Excavations at Teleilat Ghassul1969/01/01English25
The innovation of the potter's wheel: a comparative perspective between Mesopotamia and the southern Levant2016/09/01English23
Dhra', Excavation Project, 2002 Interim Report2003/06/01English23
Limitations on Sheep and Goat Herding in the Eastern Badia of Jordan: An Ethno-archaeological Enquiry1991/01/01English22
The Ecological Interpretation of Ancient Charcoals from Jericho1971/01/01English22
Agriculture, Settlement and Landscape in Ottoman Cyprus2000/01/01English21
Copper Metallurgy in the Jordan Valley from the Third to the First Millennia BC: Chemical, Metallographic and Lead Isotope Analyses of Artefacts from Pella2003/06/01English21
Settlement and Landscape Development in the Homs Region, Syria. Report on Work Undertaken during 2001–20032005/06/01English21
Dust clouds, climate change and coins: consiliences of palaeoclimate and economy in the Late Antique southern Levant2017/05/04English20
Prehistoric Environment and Settlement in the Azraq Basin: an Interim Report on the 1985 Excavation Season1987/01/01English20
New insights on plant domestication, production intensification, and food storage: the archaeobotanical evidence from PPNA Dhra‘2018/01/02English20