
Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Faunal Assemblages and Taphonomic Signatures of Five Striped Hyaena (hyaena hyaena syriaca) Dens in the Desert of Eastern Jordan2005/06/01English19
The Jabal Hamrat Fidan Project: Excavations at the Wadi Fidan 40 Cemetery, Jordan (1997)1999/01/01English19
The History of the Gih on Spring in Jerusalem2004/06/01English19
Import of an Aegean Food Plant to a Middle Bronze IIA Coastal Site in Israel1993/01/01English19
The Late Neolithic in Palestine1973/01/01English18
The Sataf Project of Landscape Archaeology in the Judaean Hills: A Preliminary Report on Four Seasons of Survey and Excavation (1987–89)1991/01/01English18
Milk and Cereals: Identifying Food and Food Identity amongFallāhīnand Bedouin in Jordan2002/01/01English18
The Rise of Jerusalem and Judah: the Missing Link2001/01/01English18
Preliminary Report on the Fourth Season of Excavations at Tell Es-Sa'idiyeh in the Jordan Valley1990/01/01English17
Umm EL-Biyara, Tawilan and Buseirah in Retrospect1990/01/01English17
Prehistoric Environment and Settlement in the Azraq Basin. A Report on the 1982 Survey Season1985/01/01English17
Archaeological and Scientific Evidence for the Production of Early Islamic Glass in al-Raqqa, Syria1999/01/01English17
Settlement and Landscape Development in the Homs Region, Syria: Research Questions, Preliminary Results 1999–2000 and Future Potential2002/01/01English17
“Holy Garbage”: A Quantitative Study of the City-Dump of Early Roman Jerusalem2007/06/01English17
Archaeology and Desertification in the Wadi Faynan: the Fourth (1999) Season of the Wadi Faynan Landscape Survey2000/01/01English16
Low Chronology and Greek Protogeometric and Geometric Pottery in the Southern Levant2001/01/01English16
Estimating population size, density and dynamics of Pre-Pottery Neolithic villages in the central and southern Levant: an analysis of Beidha, southern Jordan2017/01/02English16
The Neolithic-Chalcolithic Transition and the Qatifian of the Northern Negev and Sinai1990/01/01English16
A Late Bronze Age II clay coffin from Tel Shaddud in the Central Jezreel Valley, Israel: context and historical implications2017/05/04English15
Environment, seasonality and hunting strategies as influences on Natufian food procurement: The faunal remains from Shubayqa 12017/05/04English15
1986 Excavations at Dhuweila, Eastern Jordan: a Preliminary Report1988/01/01English15
The Transition from the Middle to the Late Bronze Age in Syria: The Evidence from Tell Nebi Mend1993/01/01English15
The Iconography of Bes with Particular Reference to the Cypriot Evidence1975/01/01English15
Roman Roads and Routes in North-east Jordan1997/01/01English15
The Funeral Kit: A Newly Defined Canaanite Mortuary Practice Based on the Middle and Late Bronze Age Tomb Complex at Ashkelon2006/06/01English15
The Wadi Faynan Project: the South Cemetery Excavation, Jordan 1996: a Preliminary Report1998/01/01English15
The Middle and Late Bronze Age Strata at Megiddo1969/01/01English15
Thetabunand its misidentification in the archaeological record2015/09/02English14
The Pottery of the Later Periods from Tel Jezreel: an Interim Report1994/01/01English14
The birth, life and death of an Iron Age house at Tel ‘Eton, Israel2017/05/04English14