Sankhya A

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A Limit Theorem for Scaled Eigenvectors of Random Dot Product Graphs2015/08/14English42
Reprint of: Mahalanobis, P.C. (1936) "On the Generalised Distance in Statistics."2018/12/01English37
Neural Random Forests2018/06/21English36
Estimator Selection: a New Method with Applications to Kernel Density Estimation2017/06/12English33
Quadratic entropy and analysis of diversity2010/02/01English31
On the Local Linear Modelization of the Conditional Distribution for Functional Data2014/03/20English29
The Alpha Power Gompertz Distribution: Characterization, Properties, and Applications2020/03/20English23
Inferences and Optimal Censoring Schemes for Progressively First-Failure Censored Nadarajah-Haghighi Distribution2020/11/16English22
Complete Convergence Theorems for Extended Negatively Dependent Random Variables2014/08/14English22
Properties of a block bootstrap under long-range dependence2011/02/01English21
Procrustes Metrics on Covariance Operators and Optimal Transportation of Gaussian Processes2018/05/25English20
New Asymptotic Results in Principal Component Analysis2017/06/19English16
On simulations from the two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet process and the normalized inverse-Gaussian process2013/08/28English15
Bayesian and Non-Bayesian Estimation for the Parameter of Bivariate Generalized Rayleigh Distribution Based on Clayton Copula under Progressive Type-II Censoring with Random Removal2021/06/30English13
Asymptotic results for an L 1-norm kernel estimator of the conditional quantile for functional dependent data with application to climatology2011/02/01English13
Bayesian Variable Selection and Estimation Based on Global-Local Shrinkage Priors2017/12/12English12
On Concentration for (Regularized) Empirical Risk Minimization2017/08/01English11
Semiparametric Bernstein–von Mises theorem and bias, illustrated with Gaussian process priors2012/08/01English11
A measure of asymmetry based on a new necessary and sufficient condition for symmetry2013/08/17English11
Subsampling MCMC - an Introduction for the Survey Statistician2018/12/01English10
Gibbs sampling, conjugate priors and coupling2010/02/01English10
The Alpha Power Marshall-Olkin-G Distribution: Properties, and Applications2021/01/02English10
Strong consistency of Lasso estimators2011/02/01English9
A New Member from the T − X Family of Distributions: the Gumbel-Burr XII Distribution and Its Properties2017/09/06English9
On Univariate Convex Regression2017/06/12English9
On the Nonparametric Conditional Density and Mode Estimates in the Single Functional Index Model with Strongly Mixing Data2014/06/24English9
Asymptotic Properties of Minimum S-Divergence Estimator for Discrete Models2014/12/18English9
Moment matching priors2011/08/01English9
Ashok Prasad Maitra (1938–2008)2010/02/01English8
Distributions generated by transformation of scale using an extended Cauchy-Schlömilch transformation2010/08/01English8