Sankhya A

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On weak convergence in $\mathcal{M}\left({H}\right)$ : relaxation of a sufficient condition2013/08/23English
A Characterization of Exponential Distribution in Risk Model2017/11/06English
Discussion of “concentration for (regularized) empirical risk minimization” by Sara van de Geer and Martin Wainwright2017/08/01English
Statistical Theory of Shape Under Elliptical Models via Polar Decompositions2018/05/31English
Semi-Parametric Models for Negative Binomial Panel Data2016/08/01English
Generalized Bayes Minimax Estimators of the Variance of a Multivariate Normal Distribution2023/04/17English
Test for Homogeneity of Random Objects on Manifolds with Applications to Biological Shape Analysis2023/05/15English
Bayesian Linear Inverse Problems in Regularity Scales with Discrete Observations2024/03/07English
Decoupling Inequalities and Decoupling Coefficients of Gaussian Processes2024/04/05English
Finite Population Survey Sampling: An Unapologetic Bayesian Perspective2024/04/08English
Post-Model-Selection Prediction Intervals for Generalized Linear Models2024/04/06English
Some Properties of GEM($$\alpha $$) Distributions2024/04/10English
Distributional Approximation for General Curie–Weiss Models with Size-dependent Inverse Temperatures2024/04/11English
On the Convolution of Scaled Sibuya Distributions2024/04/11English
Bayesian Modeling of Survival Data in the Presence of Competing Risks with Cure Fractions and Masked Causes2023/12/12English
Clustering Circular Data via Finite Mixtures of von Mises Distributions and an Application to Data on Wind Directions2024/01/03English
A Unified Approach to Hierarchical Random Measures2023/11/08English
The Origins of the Stick Breaking Construction2023/11/18English
A New Construction of Covariance Functions for Gaussian Random Fields2024/01/16English
Statistical Analysis of Improved Type-II Adaptive Progressive Hybrid Censored NH Data2024/04/17English
Finite Sequences Representing Expected Order Statistics2024/04/20English
Efficiency Bound Under Identifiability Constraints in Semiparametric Models2024/04/22English
Dirac-type Theorems for Inhomogenous Random Graphs2024/04/22English
A Censored Time Series Analysis for Responses on the Unit Interval: An Application to Acid Rain Modeling2024/02/01English
The Case of the Jeffreys-Lindley-paradox as a Bayes-frequentist Compromise: A Perspective Based on the Rao-Lovric-Theorem2023/09/11English
On Bounded Completeness and The $$L_1$$-Denseness of Likelihood Ratios2023/09/09English
Results on a Generalized Fractional Cumulative Entropy2023/08/14English
A Bivariate Teissier Distribution: Properties, Bayes Estimation and Application2023/08/29English
M-estimators for Models with a Mix of Discrete and Continuous Parameters2023/08/30English