Educational Psychology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Subject learning and teachers2018/05/09English
Special Issue on Technology-Enhanced Learning and Assessment2018/03/12English
Special issue on Intelligent Learning Environments2016/11/14English
List of Consulting Editors and Reviewers2016/11/14English
How do undergraduate students’ conceptions of teaching affect their intentions for presentation?2023/04/21English
Social-emotional need satisfaction and students’ academic engagement and social-emotional skills2024/03/09English
The reciprocity between various motivation constructs and academic achievement: a systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis of longitudinal studies2024/02/29English
Individual and collective moral disengagement as predictors of bullying perpetration: a short-term longitudinal multilevel study2023/11/26English
Self-regulation of online homework behavior: using latent profile analysis to identify online homework management profiles2023/11/22English
How perceived mindful parenting prevents maladaptive academic behaviours: the mediating roles of insecure attachment and children mindfulness2023/11/22English
The effects of teacher immediacy and autonomy support on secondary students’ approaches to learning2024/01/02English
A teacher strategic mindset predicts efficacious and effective teaching2023/10/21English
Parent and teacher perceptions of ESL and non-ESL preschoolers’ school readiness2023/09/14English
Developing children’s humanity: the unique and interactive role of parents’ and peers’ humanity2023/09/14English
The role of attention problems in predicting applying to college among high school girls with disabilities2023/10/21English
Examining the influence of L2 grit and English proficiency on learning approaches: a mediation analysis through expectancy of success and perceived task difficulty2023/10/21English
Individual variations in sources of self-regulatory efficacy among elementary school pupils2023/10/21English
A closer look at teacher support and achievement emotions in Chinese mathematics classrooms: mediating roles of academic control and intrinsic/extrinsic value2023/10/21English
Play-integrated fostering of basic mathematical skills: findings of two experiments2024/03/20English
The effect of different question types on vicarious learning2024/03/18English
The development of computational estimation strategies: a longitudinal study with 6- to 7-year-olds2023/07/12English
Enhancing memory recall during video lectures: does the visual display format matter?2023/07/03English
Learning and teaching during Covid-19 and beyond: educational psychology perspectives2022/11/26English
University students’ daily motivation regulation: within- and between-level relations to academic functioning2024/04/18English
Seeing mathematical learning opportunities in preschool situations: the role of teacher disposition and type of picture book2024/04/21English
Book Reviews2000/03/01English
Reciprocal Peer Tutoring: re-examining the value of a co-operative learning technique to college students and instructors2001/09/01
Does an instructor’s positive emotion facilitate learning from video lectures across different levels of content difficulty?2023/08/09English