Southern Communication Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Individual differences in the communication of humorous messages1991/09/01English117
Willingness to communicate: Differing cultural perspectives1990/12/01English104
Applying a social meaning model to relational message interpretations of conversational involvement: Comparing observer and participant perspectives1991/03/01English100
Predicting Receptiveness to Advice: Characteristics of the Problem, the Advice-Giver, and the Recipient2006/04/01English100
Cultural influences on facial expressions of emotion1991/03/01English87
Dialogue as tensional, ethical practice2000/03/01English70
“I'm so mad I could scream:” The effects of anger expression on relational satisfaction and communication competence1994/03/01English49
Response and Self-Efficacy of Condom Use: A Meta-Analysis of this Important Element of AIDS Education and Prevention2009/02/02English42
The idea of rhetoric in the rhetoric of science1993/11/01English42
Toward the De-Subjugation of Racially Marked Knowledges in Communication2010/03/31English41
Combining passions and abilities: Toward dialogic virtuosity2000/03/01English40
Risk Communication Failure: A Case Study of New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina2008/07/22English39
Message and conceptual confounds in fear appeals: The role of threat, fear, and efficacy1993/03/01English39
“A place you haven't visited before”: Creating the conditions for community dialogue2000/03/01English38
Pressure To Be Perfect: Influences on College Students' Body Esteem2010/06/29English38
Development of a communication flexibility measure1994/03/01English37
The Relationship between Computer-Mediated-Communication Competence, Apprehension, Self-Efficacy, Perceived Confidence, and Social Presence2007/10/26English36
From Diving Boards to Pole Vaults: Gendered Athlete Portrayals in the “Big Four” Sports at the 2004 Athens Summer Olympics2007/10/26English36
Response to high argumentatives: Message and sex differences1989/03/03English35
Commitment and Emotional Closeness in the Sibling Relationship2007/05/04English34
Corporeality and cultural rhetoric: A site for rhetoric's future1998/11/01English34
Making Sense of Supervisory Bullying: Perceived Powerlessness, Empowered Possibilities2011/09/01English33
Remembering together: Rhetorical integration and the case of the Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial1995/03/01English32
Organizational gossip: A revolving door of regulation and resistance2004/09/01English32
The centrality of culture1990/09/01English31
A Citizen's Guides to Democracy Inaction: Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert's Comic Rhetorical Criticism2009/04/28English30
Graffiti as communication: Exploring the discursive tensions of anonymous texts1999/12/01English29
From debate to dialogue: Toward a pedagogy of nonpolarized public discourse2000/03/01English29
Memory, Mythmaking, and Museums: Constructive Authenticity and the Primitive Blues Subject2006/09/01English29
Listening styles and empathy1995/03/01English28