Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Molecular beam mass spectrometry of solid propellant combustion products at a pressure of 40 atm2017/09/01English
Gas self-ignition in a plane vortex chamber2017/09/01English
Area Rules for the diffusion flame of a moving Bunsen burner corresponding to different temperature ranges2017/09/01English
Numerical and experimental study of fuel pre-injection in the inlet of a high-velocity air-breathing engine2017/09/01English
Study on flame structures and emissions of CO and NO in Various CH4/O2/N2–O2/N2 counterflow premixed flames2017/09/01English
Calculation of pressure in a solid-propellant rocket motor with the use of a real dependence of the solid propellant burning rate on pressure2017/09/01English
Exit of a heterogeneous detonation wave into a channel with linear expansion. I. Propagation regimes2017/09/01English
Initiation of multifuel mixtures with bifurcation structures2016/11/01English
Relationship between the dust flame propagation velocity and the combustion mode of fuel particles2016/11/01English
Chemical conversion of SO2 in low-temperature and low-pressure oxyhydrogen flames. 1. Kinetic analysis of the process2016/11/01English
Effect of the microstructure of ammonium nitrate granules on the detonability of composite propellants based on it2016/11/01English
Detonation burning of anthracite and lignite particles in a flow-type radial combustor2016/11/01English
Structure and phase formation in the Ti–Al–Nb system in the thermal explosion mode2016/11/01English
Ignition of a metallized composite solid propellant by a group of hot particles2016/11/01English
Generation of hydrodynamic instability in the gasification region of propellant2016/11/01English
Analysis of the mechanisms of ignition and combustion of i-C8H18–H2 and n-C10H22–H2 fuel blends in air2016/11/01English
Chemical conversion of SO2 in low-temperature and low-pressure oxyhydrogen flames. 2. Mechanism of formation of elemental sulfur2016/11/01English
Modeling the solid phase reaction distribution in the case of conjugate heat exchange2017/07/01English
Detonation combustion of lignite with titanium dioxide and water additives in air2017/07/01English
Experimental and numerical investigation of the chemical reaction kinetics in H2/CO syngas flame at a pressure of 1–10 atm2017/07/01English
Numerous experiment on impact compression of a mixture of graphite and water2017/07/01English
Detonation velocity of mechanically activated mixtures of ammonium perchlorate and aluminum2017/07/01English
Penetration of double-layer targets with an outer ceramic layer and optimization of their structure2017/07/01English
Chemical reactor network application to predict the emission of nitrogen oxides in an industrial combustion chamber2017/07/01English
Role of particle collisions in shock wave interaction with a dense spherical layer of a gas suspension2017/07/01English
Ignition and combustion of pyrotechnic compositions based on microsized and ultra-nanosized aluminum particles in a moist medium in a two-zone gas generator2017/01/01English
Pressure measurement by fast-response piezo-electric sensors during continuous spin detonation in the combustor2017/01/01English
Ignition of a two-fuel hydrogen–silane mixture in air2017/01/01English
Ignition and unstable regimes of gasless combustion of a disk-shaped sample2017/01/01English
Mechanics of penetration of ceramic targets2017/01/01English