Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Suppression of Flaming Combustion and Thermal Decomposition of Model Forest and Peat Fire Using Water-Based Compositions2023/08/01English
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Combustion of a Coal Dust Particle–Air Mixture in a Closed Spherical Volume2023/08/01English
Improving and Evaluating the Performance of a Ramjet Combustor under Conditions of Attached Air Supply with a Thrust Meter2023/02/01English
Flame Spread over a Liquid Fuel Film in an Oxygen-Enriched Environment2023/02/01English
Initiation of Homogeneous Combustion in a High-Velocity Jet by a Joint Action of Optical and Electric Discharge2023/02/01English
Influence of Temperature on the Thermal Effect and Sensitivity of Impact Initiation of LX-04 Explosives2023/02/01English
Preparation of Nano-RDX-Based Polymer-Bonded Explosive and Its Improved Mechanical and Detonation Properties2023/02/01English
Kinetics and Mechanism of Thermal Decomposition of Bis-R-Substituted Gem-Dinitroethyl-N-Nitramines2023/02/01English
Experimental and Analytical Studies on Ignition of a Single Droplet and Spray2023/02/01English
Two-Stage Mechanochemical Synthesis of Niobium Silicides during Layer-by-Layer Combustion2023/02/01English
Self-Propagiating High-Temperature Synthesis in Ti–Al–Mn System2023/02/01English
Gasless Combustion of Ti–C–Al Reaction Mixtures in a Thermal Explosion2023/02/01English
Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Heterogeneous Spin Detonation in the Al/O2 Gas Suspension in Channels with a Circular Cross Section2023/02/01English
Two-Scale Mathematical Model of Combustion of Coal–Methane–Air Gas–Particle Suspension2023/02/01English
Kinetic Mechanism of Ignition of Propane–Butane Mixtures at Low and High Temperatures: Development and Application2023/02/01English
Thermal Explosion in a Powder Mixture of Aluminum with Nickel Preactivated in a Low-Energy Laboratory Mill2024/02/01English
Diffusion and Thermal Diffusion Coefficients of a Binary Mixture in the Van der Waals Model2024/02/01English
Experimental and Numerical Study of Combustion of Rich Mixtures of Methanol and Hydrogen with Air2024/02/01English
Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Layered Composite Ti/Hf/Ta/Ni/Ceramics Materials2024/02/01English
Synthesis of Oxynitride Composites during Combustion of a Ferrosilicon–Natural Mineral–Aluminum Mixture in Nitrogen2024/02/01English
Kinetics and Composition of Gaseous Products of Pyrolysis of Organometallic Complexes of Nickel, Iron, and Copper with Inorganic Anions2024/02/01English
Simulation of an Electrothermal Explosion of a Gas-Free System. Effect of Conductive Heat Exchange and Joule Heating Power2024/02/01English
Improvement of the Ignition Performance and Reaction Rate of Boron by Surface Modification2024/02/01English
Experimental Study of the Flame Structure and Heat and Mass Transfer in a Hydrogen Jet Exhausting from a Slot into Air2024/02/01English
Two-Level Models of Composite Synthesis: History and Potential2024/02/01English
Numerical Simulation of Oblique Detonation Initiation by a High-Velocity Projectile Flying in a Hydrogen–Air Mixture2024/02/01English
Titanium Nitride Synthesis during Double Mechanical Activation of Titanium—in Argon and in Nitrogen2024/02/01English
Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis in Two-Layer (Ni + Al)/(PbO2 + B + Al2O3 + Glass) Powder Mixtures2024/02/01English
Synthesis of a Nitrided Composite Material from Ferroalumosilicozirconium during Combustion2024/02/01English
Equilibrium Composition of Products in a Hafnium Dioxide–Calcium–Nitrogen–Carbon Mixture at Adiabatic Combustion Temperature2024/02/01English