International Journal of Water Resources Development

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Economically challenged and water scarce: identification of global populations most vulnerable to water crises2020/01/08English47
Profitability and productivity barriers and opportunities in small-scale irrigation schemes2016/12/20English47
The interplay of activists and dam developers: the case of Myanmar’s mega-dams2016/05/12English46
Theory and application of Agricultural Innovation Platforms for improved irrigation scheme management in Southern Africa2017/05/19English45
Democratic Legitimacy of New Forms of Water Management in the Netherlands2012/12/01English45
Developing interdisciplinary science for integrated catchment management: the UK lowland catchment research (LOCAR) programme2004/09/01English44
Managing drought risk in water supply systems in Europe: a review2013/06/01English44
Financing Irrigation Water Management and Infrastructure: A Review2010/07/23English44
Implications of ethiopian water development for Egypt and Sudan1987/01/01English44
A global survey of urban water tariffs: are they sustainable, efficient and fair?2013/09/01English44
A comprehensive approach and methods for glacial lake outburst flood risk assessment, with examples from Nepal and the transboundary area2015/01/29English44
Barriers to and opportunities for improving productivity and profitability of the Kiwere and Magozi irrigation schemes in Tanzania2016/06/06English43
Irrigation development in Zimbabwe: understanding productivity barriers and opportunities at Mkoba and Silalatshani irrigation schemes2016/04/29English43
An assessment of the effects of Africa's water crisis on food security and management2014/06/02English43
Risk Assessment of a Water Supply System during Drought1995/06/01English43
Water Management in Mexico City Metropolitan Area2006/06/01English43
Integrated Water Resources Management: A ‘Small’ Step for Conceptualists, a Giant Step for Practitioners2008/01/31English43
Understanding the Water Crisis in Northern China: What the Government and Farmers are Doing2009/01/22English43
Assessing Options to Increase Water Productivity in Irrigated River Basins Using Remote Sensing and Modelling Tools2006/03/01English43
Problems with Private Water Concessions: A Review of Experiences and Analysis of Dynamics2005/03/01English43
Food-water security and virtual water trade in the Middle East and North Africa2015/05/27English42
State-of-the-art review: designing urban water tariffs to recover costs and promote wise use2013/09/01English42
Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP)1997/12/01English42
The United Nations Concept of Water as a Human Right: A New Paradigm for Old Problems?2005/06/01English42
Problems of Sustainable Groundwater Management in an Area of Over-exploitation: The Upper Guadiana Catchment, Central Spain2001/09/01English42
Towards integrated catchment management: opening the paradigm locks between hydrology, ecology and policy‐making2004/09/01English41
Water Resources of Turkey: Potential, Planning, Development and Management1997/12/01English41
The evolution of UK flood insurance: incremental change over six decades2014/04/24English41
Overcoming global water reuse barriers: the Windhoek experience2016/02/05English41
Water Quality: Assessment of the Current Situation in Asia2012/06/01English41