International Journal of Water Resources Development

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Basin Closure and Environmental Flow Requirements2008/03/03English41
Role of Water Utility in the Korean National Economy1999/12/01English41
Managing Urban Rivers and Water Quality in Malaysia for Sustainable Water Resources2012/06/01English40
Water crisis and water wars: myths and realities2019/07/12English40
The Mekong: A Drought-prone Tropical Environment?2010/11/24English39
Measuring Water Affordability: A Proposal for Urban Centres in Developed Countries2010/07/23English39
Water Resources Allocation in the People's Republic of China2009/06/01English39
Himalayan waters at the crossroads: issues and challenges2015/04/03English39
Groundwater use in Spain: an overview in light of the EU Water Framework Directive2014/07/25English39
Water and Land Resources Development in Southeastern Turkey1997/09/01English38
Water Supply of Phnom Penh: An Example of Good Governance2010/06/01English38
Assessment of water resources management in the Ethiopian Central Rift Valley: environmental conservation and poverty reduction2013/12/03English38
Water demand versus supply in Saudi Arabia: current and future challenges2013/10/11English38
Achieving water security in Nepal through unravelling the water-energy-agriculture nexus2019/12/23English38
Indicators of Land and Water Productivity in Irrigated Agriculture1999/03/01English38
Farmers' responses to climate change impact on water availability: insights from the Indrawati Basin in Nepal2015/04/03English37
Evaluating IWRM implementation success: are water policies in Bangladesh enhancing adaptive capacity to climate change impacts?2014/05/02English37
Can Irrigation Water Use Be Guided by Market Forces? Theory and Practice2006/03/01English37
Beyond hydropower: towards an integrated solution for water, energy and food security in South Asia2019/03/19English37
Water Governance: A Research Agenda2010/06/01English37
The Lake with Floating Villages: Socio-economic Analysis of the Tonle Sap Lake2006/09/01English36
Assessment of the Contributions of Traditional Qanats in Sustainable Water Resources Management2006/12/01English36
Water infrastructure for the Hindu Kush Himalayas2014/01/02English36
Moving beyond integrated water resource management: developmental water management in South Africa2014/05/15English36
Rainproof cities in the Netherlands: approaches in Dutch water governance to climate-adaptive urban planning2017/09/26English36
An overview of extension use in irrigated agriculture and case studies in south-eastern Africa2016/09/14English36
Irrigation Modernization in Spain: Effects on Water Quantity and Quality—A Conceptual Approach2010/06/01English36
Functionality of handpump water supplies: a review of data from sub-Saharan Africa and the Asia-Pacific region2019/03/11English36
Temperature and precipitation changes in the Midwestern United States: implications for water management2016/10/08English36
Adopting versus adapting: adoption of water-saving technology versus water conservation habits in Spain2013/09/01English35