
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Informal transportation systems in the region of Urabá in Colombia through the lens of everyday forms of resistance2022/09/07English
Mobility justice or transit boosterism? The use of rail transit as an urban transformation strategy in Kitchener, Canada, and Malmö, Sweden2024/01/31English
‘A stop on the train’: the transient mentality of creative expats in Beijing, China2023/10/22English
Enmeshed with the digital: satellite navigation and the phenomenology of drivers’ spaces2023/12/02English
The role of autonomous vehicles in transportation equity in Tempe, Arizona2023/11/05English
Planners as middle actors in facilitating for city cycling2023/03/21English
The electric mountain bike as pharmakon: examining the problems and possibilities of an emerging technology2023/03/21English
Chasing scale: the pasts and futures of mobility in electricity and logistics2023/12/25English
Towards a Reentry Mobilities Assemblage: An Exploration of Transportation and Obligation Among Returning Citizens2021/12/15English
Ghost trains: past and future mobilities haunting a Southern Town2021/07/01English
Making a living between places: the role of mobility in livelihood practices in rural Rwanda2021/07/12English
Aeromobilities of diasporic returnees in Francophone African literatures2021/03/31English
Pluralising (im)mobilities: anti-Muslim acts and the epistemic politics of mobile methods2021/05/27English
Referees who reported during August 2017 to 31 August 20182018/11/02English
My own business, not my children’s: negotiating funeral rites and the mobility and communication juncture among Chinese migrants in Melbourne2018/05/23English
Referees who reported forMobilitiesSeptember 2013 to August 20142014/10/02English
Editorial Board2014/10/02English
Referees who reported for Mobilities during 2012/132014/01/02English
‘Study-abroad influencers’ and insider knowledge: how new forms of study-abroad expertise on social media mediate student mobility from India to Germany2023/06/11English
Choreographing the city: Can dance practice inform the engineering of sustainable urban environments?2019/01/30English
John Urry Memorial Prize 20202020/03/03English
“Where migrants are, where they gather”: exploring solidarity on the move in Calais after the “jungle”2022/05/09English
Lifestyle mobilities and urban environmental degradation: evidence from China2022/09/01English
Referees who reported for Mobilities from 1 September 2019 – 31 August 20202020/11/01English
Deterritorialized careers, ageing and the life course2022/03/22English
Editorial Board2010/11/01English
MobilitiesReferees, 20102010/11/01English
Referees who reported forMobilities1 September 2014 to 31 August 20152015/10/20English
Carers Cruising Cumbria and Meals on the Mile: The Drive of Migrants in Fieldwork and Fiction2012/05/01English
Mobilityextra situ– The Cosmopolitical Aesthetics of Tania Ruiz Gutierrez’Elsewhere/Annorstädes/Ailleurs2014/10/28English