
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Referees who reported forMobilitiesduring 2010/112011/11/01English
Editorial Board, Volume 6, 20112011/11/01English
Mobilities Referees, January 2007 – August 20082008/11/01English
Referees who reported for Mobilities from 1 September 2015 to 31 August 20162016/10/19English
Referees who reported for Mobilities 31 August 2016 to 30 September 20172017/11/02English
Editorial Board2017/11/02English
Bodies in networks: steamship mobilities and travel between Europe and Asia, 1869–18912023/06/01English
Home reconsidered in transnational fiction: walking as alternative/oppositional mobility and landscape claiming in Karen Tei yamashita’s Tropic of Orange2024/02/20English
Public anticipations of self-driving vehicles in the UK and US2024/03/31English
Connected, programmed, and immobilised: mobile ethnography of platform-mediated food delivery in Seoul2024/04/08English
‘Everyone rides together, everyone rolls together’: exploring walking and cycling cultures in South Auckland2023/12/12English
The hypermobile and the rest: capital conversion and inclusion/exclusion in an emerging student migration in China2023/10/25English
Automation and aesthetic labour: the micro-mobilities of work in airport self-service2024/03/25English
A tale of one city through three stories of ludic mobilities2024/03/18English
How does knowledge move? Investigating the epistemic mobilities of “climate migration” with diverse conceptual metaphors2024/03/18English
Automation in electric vehicle futures2024/03/13English
Driving as essential, cycling as conditional: how automobility is politically sustained in discourses of everyday mobility2024/03/21English
Disruptive, dangerous, and dirty: active travel measures as a ‘cause’ of car-related externalities2024/03/21English
2023 John Urry Article Prizewinner2024/03/03English
Re-storying gendered im/mobilities through a mobile and generationed autoethnography2024/03/26English
‘Running during the Covid-19 lockdown: reshuffling the pedestrian order’2023/07/13English
The rhetoric of return: Mingma or the contradictions of development in Nepal*2023/07/07English
From threat to essentially sacrificial: racial capitalism, (im)mobilities, and food delivery workers in New York City during Covid-192024/04/17English
Enunciating outrage: Sidewalk mobility injustice and activism2024/04/17English
The mobility biography of things and the climate emergency2024/04/13English
Encountering mobility (in)justice through the lived experiences of fishing communities in Dakar and Saint Louis, Senegal2024/04/22English
Follow the commutes: the viapolitics of commuting within infrastructures of agricultural labour migration in The Netherlands and Belgium2024/04/22English
‘We are waiting for the end’: ageing and (im)mobility in the tourist city2024/04/22English
Education, identity, and intensive youth mobility on the ferry-dependent island of Ameland2024/04/16English
‘I recorded my movements in the smartphone’: differently reproduced speeds of posthuman bodies2023/09/25English