
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Together and Apart: Affective Ambiences and Negotiation in Families’ Everyday Life and Mobility2014/01/21English76
Pandemic (Im)mobilities2021/01/02English75
Freedom as Mobility: Implications of the Distinction between Actual and Potential Travelling2006/11/01English71
Activity Spaces, Biographies, Social Networks and their Welfare Gains and Externalities: Some Hypotheses and Empirical Results2007/03/01English70
Materialising the Border: Spaces of Mobility and Material Culture in Migration from Post‐Socialist Poland2008/11/01English69
Critical Mass, Urban Space and Vélomobility2007/07/01English68
Practices and Flows of Digital Photography: An Ethnographic Framework2008/03/01English67
To Move or Not to Move? Social Exclusion, Accessibility and Daily Mobility among the Low‐income Population in Santiago, Chile2008/07/01English64
Motion and Emotion: Learning to be a Railway Traveller2008/11/01English62
Locative Mobile Social Networks: Mapping Communication and Location in Urban Spaces2010/11/01English62
Mobility and Professional Networks in Academia: An Exploration of the Obligations of Presence2016/01/08English62
Valuing mobility in a post COVID-19 world2020/12/20English62
Still Feeling the Car – The Role of Comfort in Sustaining Private Car Use2014/09/09English62
Introduction: Migrant Worlds, Material Cultures2008/11/01English61
Criticising the Solitary Mobile Subject: Researching Relational Mobilities and Reflecting on Mobile Methods2013/09/30English59
Discourses of Mobility: Institutions, Everyday Lives and Embodiment2014/09/05English59
Transnational Domestic Workers and the Negotiation of Mobility and Work Practices in Singapore’s Home‐Spaces2010/05/01English59
A Fiasco of Volcanic Proportions? Eyjafjallajökull and the Closure of European Airspace2011/02/01English59
Moving, Making and Atmosphere: Routines of Home as Sites for Mundane Improvisation2014/09/12English59
Postcoloniality and Privilege in New Lifestyle Flows: The Case of North Americans in Panama2013/09/01English58
Business Travel from the Traveller’s Perspective: Stress, Stimulation and Normalization2013/04/11English58
Temporary Transnational Youth Migration and its Mobility Links2013/03/05English58
Emotional Labour and Transnational Domestic Work: The Moving Geographies of ‘Maid Abuse’ in Singapore2007/07/01English57
Emergent Uses of a Multiplayer Location‐aware Mobile Game: the Interactional Consequences of Mediated Encounters2006/03/01English57
The Boundaries of Interdisciplinary Fields: Temporalities Shaping the Past and Future of Dialogue between Migration and Mobilities Research2016/01/01English56
Place and Lifestyle Migration: The Discursive Construction of ‘Glocal’ Place-Identity2012/02/01English56
Comparing Rail Passengers’ Travel Time Use in Great Britain Between 2004 and 20102013/11/01English55
Sustaining Livelihoods in Multi‐local Settings: Possible Theoretical Linkages Between Transnational Migration and Livelihood Studies2008/03/01English55
‘Facework’, Flow and the City: Simmel, Goffman, and Mobility in the Contemporary City2006/06/01English55
Mobile Phones as Network Capital: Facilitating Connections2008/07/01English55