Design Experiments: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges in Creating Complex Interventions in Classroom Settings | 1992/04/01 | English | 1,360 |
Interaction Analysis: Foundations and Practice | 1995/01/01 | English | 1,060 |
Quantifying Qualitative Analyses of Verbal Data: A Practical Guide | 1997/07/01 | English | 851 |
Design-Based Research: Putting a Stake in the Ground | 2004/01/01 | English | 836 |
Misconceptions Reconceived: A Constructivist Analysis of Knowledge in Transition | 1994/04/01 | English | 713 |
Design Research: Theoretical and Methodological Issues | 2004/01/01 | English | 687 |
Computer Support for Knowledge-Building Communities | 1994/07/01 | English | 578 |
Conducting Video Research in the Learning Sciences: Guidance on Selection, Analysis, Technology, and Ethics | 2010/01/27 | English | 497 |
Cognitive Tutors: Lessons Learned | 1995/04/01 | English | 492 |
Scaffolding Complex Learning: The Mechanisms of Structuring and Problematizing Student Work | 2004/07/01 | English | 468 |
A Scaffolding Design Framework for Software to Support Science Inquiry | 2004/07/01 | English | 445 |
Commonsense Conceptions of Emergent Processes: Why Some Misconceptions Are Robust | 2005/04/01 | English | 404 |
The Social and Technological Dimensions of Scaffolding and Related Theoretical Concepts for Learning, Education, and Human Activity | 2004/07/01 | English | 395 |
Supporting Students' Construction of Scientific Explanations by Fading Scaffolds in Instructional Materials | 2006/04/01 | English | 379 |
Learning by Collaborating: Convergent Conceptual Change | 1992/07/01 | English | 370 |
We Be Burnin'!Agency, Identity, and Science Learning | 2010/04/30 | English | 303 |
Embodiment in Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Evidence From Learners' and Teachers' Gestures | 2012/04/01 | English | 288 |
Complex Systems in Education: Scientific and Educational Importance and Implications for the Learning Sciences | 2006/01/01 | English | 280 |
Higher Levels of Agency for Children in Knowledge Building: A Challenge for the Design of New Knowledge Media | 1991/01/01 | English | 277 |
Dialogue in the Classroom | 2006/07/01 | English | 270 |
Designing for Productive Failure | 2012/01/01 | English | 258 |
Appropriating Scientific Discourse: Findings From Language Minority Classrooms | 1992/01/01 | English | 240 |
How Does Technology-Enabled Active Learning Affect Undergraduate Students' Understanding of Electromagnetism Concepts? | 2005/04/01 | English | 229 |
The Transfer of Scientific Principles Using Concrete and Idealized Simulations | 2005/01/01 | English | 226 |
Inquiry in Project-Based Science Classrooms: Initial Attempts by Middle School Students | 1998/07/01 | English | 225 |
Conjecture Mapping: An Approach to Systematic Educational Design Research | 2013/04/03 | English | 225 |
Fish Swim, Rocks Sit, and Lungs Breathe: Expert-Novice Understanding of Complex Systems | 2007/06/13 | English | 224 |
Learning to Collaborate: An Instructional Approach to Promoting Collaborative Problem Solving in Computer-Mediated Settings | 2005/04/01 | English | 223 |
The Seeds of Time: Why Classroom Dialogue Needs a Temporal Analysis | 2008/02/15 | English | 219 |
Addressing the Challenges of Inquiry-Based Learning Through Technology and Curriculum Design | 1999/07/01 | English | 208 |